Contracting Information A - L

AGA Forms


Aetna ACA

Aetna Med Supp




    AIMC – WoodmenLife



    Allstate Health

    Ambetter ACA

    American Benefits Life – Liberty Bankers

    AmeriHealth – IBC

    Ameritas Dental and Vision

    Anthem Blue Cross and Amerigroup

    Anthem ACA



    Asuris Northwest & Regence BlueCross BlueShield


    Bankers Fidelity

    Banner Health


    BCBS of AZ

    BCBS HCSC – IL, MT, NM, OK, & TX

    BCBS of Kansas City (MO & KS)

    BCBC of MI

    BCBS of MN

    BCBS of NC

    BCBS of NE

    BCBS of TN

    Blue Shield

    Brand New Day

    Bright Health

    CalOptima Health

    Care N Care


    Centene – Allwell, Ascension Complete, Fidelis Care, Health Net, and WellCare


    CIGNA Healthcare

    CIGNA Med Supp


    Clear Spring Health

    Clever Care

    Clover Health

    Commonwealth Care Alliance

    Denver Health Medical Plan

    Devoted Health Plans



    Emblem ACA

    Essence Healthcare (Stanford)

    eternalHealth AZ

    eternalHealth MA

    Excellus – Univera


    Florida Blue

    Freedom Health – Optimum Healthcare

    Friday Health ACA

    Geisinger Health Plan

    Gold Kidney

    Guarantee Trust Life

    Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare – Stride



    Health New England

    Health First NY

    Health First FL

    Health First FL ACA


    Heartland National Life


    Horizon / Braven


    IBC – AmeriHealth


    Imperial Health Plan

    Indiana University Health Plans

    Innovative Integrated Health Community Plans


    Jefferson Health Plans

    Kaiser Permanente


    LA Care

    Liberty Heatlhcare

    Liberty Bankers



    Thank you for your interest in marketing Aetna Medicare and SilverScript through Applied General Agency. Aetna uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

    To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

    For a full overview please see Aetna Onboarding Guide

    Aetna: Invitation

    You will be asked if you already have access to the Aetna Producer World. If you do not, you will be asked to register. After you are registered for Producer World, click back on the contracting link and log in using your Username and Password.

    If you, cannot find your invitation email or are taken to the Producer World home page, navigate to Individual Medicare, Quick Links then Medicare Producer Contracting. If you have multiple invites, you will need to cancel all but one invite to move forward.

    Aetna: Producer World welcome

    Upon login to Producer World, your records will be pulled from the National Insurance Producer Registry. Be sure to update your personal and firm information with the National Insurance Producer Registry

    Aetna will then ask if you are contracting as an agency. Select YES if you are the principal of your own corporation. Select NO if you are not the principal of your own corporation.

    Aetna: Agency Contracting

    You will then review and sign your W-9. Complete required fields with and select the blue “Click to Sign” button.

    Aetna: Click to Sign W-9

    Continue and select invitation.

    Aetna: Select Invitation

    Now you will work your way through each contracting tab. Fill in all the mandatory fields as requested. The tab will show “incomplete” if information is missing. Note the final “Transfer” tab – this is where you will upload your Aetna transfer form if you are moving from a different upline agency. This is NOT required if you are contracting with Aetna for the first time.

    Aetna: Transfer

    If you are already contracted you will need to complete the Aetna Transfer Release form. If your current upline signs it, you will transfer immediately. If the form is not signed by your upline, upload the form with just your signature and you will be realigned after a 90-day waiting period. No transfers can be made between 10/1 and 12/31.

    After all tabs have been completed, submit the contract for processing. You will receive a confirmation of submission. You can immediately begin Aetna certification by using Aetna certification instructions in your AGA back office portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools then Certifications.

    IMPORTANT – Your contract will finish NOT processing until certification is complete.

    Upon completion of your contract and yearly certification, you will be appointed by Aetna for Individual Medicare products in the pre-appointing states where they hold an active license. Just-in-time appointing states will be ordered after a policy is written.

    Transfer/Release Policy

    Transfers are not permitted or processed from October 1 – December 31. The last day to submit a notice of intent for the current year’s AEP is June 30th.

    If you are currently contracted, have been with your current upline for at least three months AND have no production in the last three months you may submit a new contract. Please follow the instructions above for new contracting.

    If you are contracted less than three months or have had production in the last three months, you will need to complete a new contract and upload the Aetna Transfer Release form. Please follow the instructions above for new contracting.

    If your upline will not sign the Transfer form, begin a notice of intent by completing all the way to the agent portion of the Transfer form. The completed transfer must be submitted electronically via Medicare Producer Contracting via Producer World. Open Producer World>Medicare Producer Contracting>Open assigned invitation>Add Document>Upload transfer or intent to transfer. Once submitted, you will be transferred to the AGA after a 3-month interim period.

    Demographic Changes

    Update your personal and firm information with the National Insurance Producer Registry Your demographics from NIPR will flow into Aetna’s contracting tool.

    Log into Producer World Navigate to Manage your personal information > Personal/Firm profile > Firm Access Info/privileges > Personal Profile

    If you have questions, just contact the Aetna Medicare Broker Services Department at 1-866-714-9301 or Normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET from Monday – Friday.

    EFT Changes

    Log into Producer World Navigate to the Compensation section. Click “Get compensation statement” then select the applicable direct deposit link (individual or firm). Submit the updated form online.

    If you have questions, just contact the Aetna Medicare Broker Services Department at 1-866-714-9301 or Normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET from Monday – Friday.

    Add Non-Resident State

    You should actively monitor your RTS status before selling in each state where you conduct business. You can begin to monitor your active RTS status now on our new map tool on Aetna’s Individual Medicare Page under Requirements to sell on Producer World, This interactive map will allow an agent or agency principal to determine their own RTS status by product and by state, specific to the selling season.

    To add a state email, and include your name, NPN, non resident license, and state you would like to be contracted in that state.

    Some state appointments are processed just in time, and others need an appointment prior to submitting business. Review Aetna’s Pre-Appointment State List


    Assignment of Commissions

    Agents can only assign commissions to themselves or a broker-owned agency. Aetna allows for one agent-principal per broker-owned agency. If assigning commissions to a third party there are two options. One, the agent can contract as an LOA under AGA. AGA will pay agent commission in accordance with the assignment of commission on file. Two, update the agent’s EFT to pay the third party. The agent will get the 1099 at the end of the year, but the third party’s accountant can change that to the third party with a form.

    Aetna ACA


    Thank you for your interest in contracting with Aetna ACA . AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Plan Advisors, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

    After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting.

    Adding Aetna ACA Existing Broker or Aetna ACA New Broker and choose Plan Advisors as your upline.

    Transfer/Release Policy

    Thank you for your interest in contracting with Aetna ACA . AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Agent Pipeline, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

    After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting.

    Adding Aetna ACA Existing Broker or Aetna ACA New Broker and choose Plan Advisors as your upline.

    Demographic Changes

    Update your personal and firm information with the National Insurance Producer Registry Your demographics from NIPR will flow into Aetna’s contracting tool.

    Log into Producer World Navigate to Manage your personal information > Personal/Firm profile > Firm Access Info/privileges > Personal Profile

    If you have questions, just contact the Aetna Medicare Broker Services Department at 1-866-714-9301 or Normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET from Monday – Friday.

    EFT Changes

    Log into Producer World Click on ‘Compensation Services‘ which is located on the left side of the screen then click on ‘EFT & forms’. 

    If you have questions, just contact the Aetna Medicare Broker Services Department at 1-866-714-9301 or Normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET from Monday – Friday.

    Add Non-Resident State

    To do an add state email Aetna at with a license copy and your NPN in subject line.

    Assignment of Commissions

    Commission can be assigned to agent/agency of your choosing.

    See Aetna ACA Existing Broker

    Aetna Med Supp


    Thank you for your interest in marketing Aetna Med Supp through Applied General Agency. Begin your Aetna Med Supp contracting today via DocuSign Aetna Med Supp Contracting

    Aetna Med Supp Directory

    Aetna Med Supp Producer Guide 4/27/2020

    Transfer/Release Policy

    To begin a transfer for Aetna Med Supp you will need to complete the Aetna Med Supp Contracting and submit the form via DocuSign.

    A letter of release is needed if you have written business within the past 6 months or have been contracted with your current upline for less than 6 months.

    If you are unable to obtain a release, you may begin a delayed 6 month release.

    Add Non-Resident State

    To add a state log in to, select under Agent Management, then add state through Appointment Request.

    EFT Changes

    To change your EFT, complete the EFT form. Either fax 855-571-3847 or electronically send to Aetna Med Supp. To electronically submit log into, select My Tools, Agent Maintenance. Request type is Agent Maintenance, Select Agent Number, upload EFT form, and submit.



    EFT Changes

    To set up, change or cancel your EFT for AGA commissions please complete the EFT Form via DocuSign. The name on check must match the payee name we have on file. If you are changing your payee name please complete the corresponding AOC change forms.

    AOC Set Up & Termination

    Assignor = the party (individual/entity) that is assigning its commission

    Assignee = the party (individual/entity) that is receiving the commission

    Please contact with questions.

    If you would like to set up and assign commissions to a corporation you own, please complete the AOC Principal Owned via DocuSign. Be prepared to upload a copy of the corporation license, E&O, and void check. Completing these forms will only change how AGA pays out your agent commissions. AGA will send out contracting links for direct-pay carriers these need to be completed to allow to be paid to your corporation. Each direct pay carrier has a unique process for updating how commissions are paid.

    If you would like to set up and assign commissions to a corporation you do not own, please complete the AOC Non-Principal Owned via Docusign. Assignor will need to enter the contact information for the Assignee. The Assignee must be a signing principal of the corporation, and will need to be prepared to upload a corporation license, E&O and void check. The forms are completed once the Assignor and Assignee complete their portions of the forms. Completing these forms will only change how AGA pays out your agent commissions. AGA will send out contracting links for direct-pay carriers these need to be completed to allow to be paid to the corporation. In instances where the carrier does not allow agent-to-agent AOC or the corporation is not contracted agent commissions can be directed to AGA for distribution.

    To terminate an assignment of commission and have your new and past business paid to you, complete the AOC Termination Form. This will require approval from the Assignor and Assignee. Assignor will need to enter the contact information for the Assignee. The Assignee must be a signing principal of the corporation. The forms are completed once the Assignor and Assignee complete their portions of the forms.

    To terminate an assignment of commission and have new business paid to you, complete the AOC Termination Form Future Business. Be prepared to upload a copy of a void check. This does not require approval from your previous Assignee to terminate.

    Hierarchy Changes

    Changes within AGA’s hierarchy can be requested by using AGA Hierarchy Transfer Form via DocuSign. This form has a signing order and will need to be completed by all parties before a hierarchy change is made in AGA’s system.

    1.  The releasing principal will click on the link above. The releasing principal will need the agent’s name, the agent’s email on the landing page. On the DocuSign the releasing principal will need to complete the form and list name of the agency the agent is transferring to.
    2. The form will be sent to the agent to complete and sign
    3. The form will be approved by AGA Sales, Jason Bronston
    4. AGA Contracting will then process the hierarchy change

    To leave AGA contact

    Contracting Status Meanings

    Base Status In AGA downline / Not in downline Meaning
    In Process Not in downline AGA will soon send contracting or temporarily waiting for more information
    Approved In downline Agent RTS with carrier for current year
    Submitted Not in downline AGA sent contracting paperwork and waiting for a carrier response
    Denied Not in downline Denied per carrier
    Closed Not in downline Inactivated due to a variety of reasons
    Missing Document(s) Not in downline Paperwork is missing for us to send contracting
    Out-of-Area Not in downline Carrier not available in agent’s state
    Opted Out Not in downline Agent does not want to contract with carrier
    Pending Business Not in downline

    Contracting can be sent in at the same time as the first piece of business


    Pending Documents from Agent In downline Need paperwork or information  agent in downline
    Pending Certifications In downline Agent needs to complete certifications
    Pending Carrier Approval Not in downline Paperwork submitted waiting for carrier
    Pending Agent Action – Contract Not in downline Agent needs to complete carrier contracting/requirements
    Pending Agent Action – Certifications Not in downline Agent needs to complete certifications
    Delayed Release – In Process Not in downline Carrier offers delayed release. Necessary docs have been submitted to carrier
    Delayed Release – Pending Agent Action Not in downline Carrier offers delayed release. Agent has not completed necessary docs
    Pending Documents from Agent – Release Not in downline Need release from agent to move forward

    Errors and Omissions



    Thank you for your interest in marketing Aflac through Applied General Agency. Aflac uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

    To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

    The email will be from with “Your application for Aflac” as the subject. Note: A reference number will be generated after you access the link. Please keep this number for your record in order to return to this application if needed.

    Click the link in the email
    Click the “Start” button or enter your reference number if you are returning to a previously started application.
    IMPORTANT – Be sure to save your reference number in case you need to come back to contracting application
    Scroll through the screens and complete all the requested information
    You will be able to upload any documents that may be needed, such as release letters or explanations for special circumstances
    Review your information at the at the “Acknowledgment” page – prior to submission
    Click the “Submit” button

    Please see Onboarding Guide for a step-by-step guide.

    You will receive an email letting you know that your contracting application has been received for processing. Processing will take approximately 7-10 business days. An email will be sent to you with your new Aflac writing number when the approval process is complete.

    If you are licensed to sell Final Expense individual whole life insurance plans, you are required to complete an annual anti-money laundering course and provide Aflac proof of completion. Upload your AML training on under My Business then My Profile.

    AML training can be completed on

    Transfer/Release Policy

    A letter of release is needed if you have written business within the past 6 months or have been contracted with your current upline for less than 6 months.

    To transfer immediately a letter of release is needed from your current upline.

    If you are unable to obtain a release, you may begin a delayed 6 month release. To begin you will need to contact the Regional Sales Specialist at Aetna to let them know you would like to change hierarchies. You will be able to switch hierarchies 6 months after making this request and can continue to write business during this waiting period.

    When the 6 month waiting period is over, you will need to submit a new contract with the requested upline hierarchy.

    Add Non-Resident State

    To review your state appointments with Aflac log onto Go to My Business, then my Profile to review your state appointments.

    In regard to states, all states are JIT except AK, PA, UT, and WY. Those 4 are pre-appointment. If needed, those can be sent to the Tier One at and other various licensing questions as well.

    EFT Changes

    AIMC – ACE, MIAC, Woodmen Life


    Thank you for your interest in marketing AIMC – ACE, MIAC, Woodmen Life through Applied General Agency. AIMC uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

    To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

    Transfer/Release Policy

    No release is required if the agent has now written in the past 6 months and has been contracted for less than 6 months.

    To begin a transfer please email the intent statement to and The letter of intent is a statement in the body of your email. Please state your name, NPN, your request to transfer to AGA, indicate where commissions are to be paid (self or your corporation), indicate if you have a downline, indicate if you would like an advance (6 or 9 months), and list the states you are contracting in. For example, Hello my name is John Smith, NPN 123123. Please process my hierarchy change to Applied General Agency. I would like my commissions to be paid to my corporation JS Insurance. I do not have any agents in my current downline. I would like to advance my commissions to 9 months. Please contact me in the states that I am licensed in, CA OR, WA, and TX. Thank you,

    Add Non-Resident State

    Email and indicate what states you want to be contracted with. Include your name, NPN and indicate what carrier(s) the change is for.

    All states are pre-appointment – meaning for any state the agent must see it on the ACE E-app portal before writing an application.  (Any state is all the states available whether the state has an appointment process or not!)

    ACE requires that all individuals hold a valid license in any state they want to conduct business.  This includes their resident state although that state may not be available with product at this time.  If contracting as an agency, please make all agents aware that ACE requires the agency to hold a valid license in any state they want to conduct business and receive commission of any type.  This includes states that may not require an insurance agency license (IA, RI, TN & WI). Please encourage all agents to choose all the states they will be doing business in when completing the online contract.  This will speed up the process when they need to write an application as an agent cannot write for ACE if the state has not been activated on their contract/writing#.

    EFT Changes

    Email and indicate what the changes are. Include your name, NPN and indicate the carrier(s) you are making the change for.



    As of 11/1/2023 Agewell no longer marketing MAPD Plans

    Thank you for your interest in contracting with AgeWell New York through AGA. Please have your NY license, E&O and AHIP ready to upload. When completed your contracting will be sent to AgeWell by AGA, and then you set instructions to complete your certifications. Please contact with questions.

    To get started complete the Docusign AgeWell New York Contract.

    Transfer/Release Policy

    Agents can request a 6 month delayed release with completing part 1 of the Transfer Release Form. Or can complete part 1 & 2 of Transfer Release Form (where FMO signs) for an immediate transfer. Send the completed transfer form to &



    Thank you for your interest in marketing Alignment through Applied General Agency. Alignment uses an online contracting system, and will require you to complete your own contracting. Please allow about two hours to complete this process. You will be contracting and certifying in one sitting, when complete you should be sent a ready to sell letter. Please have your license, E&O and AHIP ready to upload.

    Navigate to; click on Certify+, and select New Agent. Enter your NPN and submit.

    Complete General Information. Select Applied General Agency as your contracted affiliation. Just start typing Applied and a drop down will appear for you to select Applied General Agency. Select NEXT.

    Alignment: 2020 Certification

    Upload Documents: Upload your current license, E&O and AHIP.

    AOC Agreement: Fill your full name in Agent Signature and ensure Contracted Agency Name is Applied General Agency.

    Training: Please note the following about our certification training and exam.

    You need to watch the entire training video before taking the exam. The certification exam must be completed within 2 hours, or you will have to restart the training. All questions must be answered and you must achieve a score of 85% or greater. You need to pass the certification exam within 3 attempts

    If you choose to come back later, to get to the training navigate to; click on Agent tab, and select New Agent. Enter your license, NPN and selling market. You will be taken to where you left off.

    Transfer/Release Policy

    Policy: Active Agents in good standing will be granted a (1) time per year hierarchy change with no release required from FMO/Agency hierarchy. Requests need to be submitted by 15th of the month, to be effective the following month with a blackout period from October – December. Moves requested during the 4th quarter will require a letter of release in order to be honored.

    To begin the transfer please complete the Alignment Transfer Form. Be prepared to upload a letter of release If you are submitting the request in October – December.

    Contracted Agency = Applied General Agency LLC

    Add Non Resident State

    Log into Alignment portal, and complete state specific certifications. 

    EFT Changes

    Alignment offers direct pay to agents. Agents will be opted into direct pay or opted out of direct pay based on AGA’s data.

     An agent who opted out of direct pay will continue receiving commissions paid by AGA. If an agent is marked as an AOC will not be added to direct pay. To change an AOC agent’s Alignment pay the principal will need to email and confirm the change that is needed. It is very important to note Alignment’s direct pay will be for new business AND renewals. ALL commissions will be paid to a single location. If a captive agent moved to direct pay, the agent would receive renewals that are not contractually due to them.

     An agent who is opted in for direct pay will be sent additional requirements by Alignment, including providing bank account information, submitting a W9 form, and signing Direct Pay Agent Joinder. Failure to complete these steps will result in payments continuing to be directed to AGA, for disbursement. Multiple agents can assign their commissions to a corporation/person. Agents will still be broker of record no matter where they point their commissions. (LOAs are not available, just AOC). Also, direct pay is unique to the agency through which the business was written. Therefore, if an agent moves from AGA to a different agency and opts for direct pay, it will only apply to the business written under the new agency.

     Set up Alignment Health EFT by navigating to the My Commission tab in your Alignment Broker Portal, and then click on “Connect to e123” to sign up.

     In the e123/Unified TPA Agent Payment portal, follow these steps:

     Download, complete, and sign your W-9. Upload it to the Documents section.

    • Add your bank account for ACH Direct Payment of Commissions.
    • Go to the Documents section on the agent portal, and then click the ‘Generate Agent Joinder’ agreement.

     After completing these steps, expect an email from confirming your Opt-in Status or addressing any missing or incomplete information. If you have any questions, please reach out to

    Allstate Health


    Begin contracting by using the following contracting link: AGA/Allstate Health Landing Page

    Transfer / Release Policy

    Releases are handled on a case-by-case basis. If you are unable to complete your online contracting link contact, state that you are contracting under AGA, and you will be advised on how to move forward.

    Ambetter ACA


    Thank you for your interest in contracting with Ambetter ACA . AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Plan Advisors, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

     After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting.

    Transfer / Release Policy

    All agents must complete the Ambetter Broker Release Form and submit to Ambetter for review and approval. Forms should be submitted to Please Cc & on the email request.

    NOTE: Agents that are currently direct with Ambetter: only the Sub-Producer signature is required (not the Principal & Agency).

    Transfer Timeframe: Requests are generally processed within 15 business days.

    Ambetter reserves the right to deny this request. Ambetter does not under any circumstance transfer membership or commissions.

    Any commissions and membership that the sub-producer earned while under the contracted agency & principle noted on this form will not be transferred to sub-producers new requested contracting entity. All commissions and membership earned by the sub-producer listed on this form while contracted under agency and principle listed on this form will remain. No exceptions will be granted.

    Upon completion agent needs to recontract

    No delayed release process

    Blackout period varies year to year. Determined by Ambetter

    Demographic Changes

    EFT Changes

    Changes can be made by contacting 

    Add Non Resident State

    American Benefits Life – Liberty Bankers


    Thank you for your interest in marketing American Benefits Life – Liberty Bankers through Applied General Agency. Aflac uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

     To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

    Transfer / Release Policy


    No transfer will be allowed in the first 12 months of an agent’s contract. Transfer without production in the last 12 months does not require a release.

    When an agent requests a transfer from their hierarchy and is declined, after 31 days of non- production the agent can request a direct transfer from the Company or the applicable rules of engagement promulgated by the Company will apply.

    Cannot transfer for a higher-level contract in first 12 months following release.

    Same transfer rules apply to everyone.

    Demographic Changes

    Changes can be made on, at the top right where it says myLBIG Portal, under the AGENTS Header, click Med Sup American Benefit.

    EFT Changes

    Changes can be made on, at the top right where it says myLBIG Portal, under the AGENTS Header, click Med Sup American Benefit.

    Add Non Resident State

    Changes can be made on, at the top right where it says myLBIG Portal, under the AGENTS Header, click Med Sup American Benefit.

    NM and PA are our only pre-appointment states. All other states are set up with the agent submits an app in the state.

    AmeriHealth – IBC


    Thank you for your interest in contracting with AmeriHealth – IBC. To get started complete the contracting link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer AmeriHealth – IBC to our agents. Be prepared to upload a copy of a void check. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive a contracting link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

     AmeriHealth – IBC Direct Pay Contracting Link: Agents are paid directly by Ritter.

     (Not Common) AmeriHealth – IBC Indirect Pay Contracting Link: AGA pays you for your enrollments

    Transfer / Release Policy

    Thank you for your interest in contracting with AmeriHealth – IBC. To get begin your transfer complete the contracting link via DocuSign, and indicate you are transferring your appointment. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer AmeriHealth – IBC to our agents. Be prepared to upload a copy of a void check. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive a contracting link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

    AmeriHealth – IBC Direct Pay Contracting Link: Agents are paid directly by Ritter.

    (Not Common) AmeriHealth – IBC Indirect Pay Contracting Link: AGA pays you for your enrollments

    Important transfer notes:
    • Sales with coverage effective dates on or after the hierarchy switch date will be credited to the new FMO/MGA.
    • Hierarchy switch dates or level changes may only be effective on the first day of a calendar month.
    • Requests for an agent switch to a new FMO/MGA for an October 1 effective date must be received no later than September 15.
    • Hierarchy switches will not be approved for November 1 or December 1 effective dates, herein referred to as the blackout period.
    • For an agent switch to a new FMO/MGA to commence on January 1, agent must be certified with the new FMO/MGA by September 30 of the prior calendar year. An Agent who does not meet the September 30 certification completion date will not become effective with the new FMO/MGA until March 31 or later, pending completion of all required steps.
    • New Agents must complete all steps of the Independence/AmeriHealth- certification process within 30 days of receiving the IBC/AmeriHealth certification link. If agent doesn’t complete the Independence /AmeriHealth certification within 30 days the agent will not be aligned to the new FMO/MGA.
    • Requests for an Agent change to a General Agent level, or for an increase to a General Agent’s level, must be submitted using the Hierarchy Switch request with the requested level notated. The proposed GA’s downline must also submit Hierarchy Switch requests at that time. GA level requests will be denied if the FMO-GA contractual requirements are not met at time of submission.

    Demographic Changes

    Email with the requested changes.

    EFT Changes

    Complete EFT Change Form Via Docusign

    Add Non Resident State

    To add a state please complete new contracting to add your requested state.

    AmeriHealth – IBC Direct Pay Contracting Link: Agents are paid directly by Ritter.

    (Not Common) AmeriHealth – IBC Indirect Pay Contracting Link: AGA pays you for your enrollments

    Ameritas Dental and Vision


    Thank you for your interest in contracting with Ameritas. To get started please complete the Ameritas AGA Agent Contract via DocuSign. Be prepared to upload a void check and a letter of explanation if needed. Your contract will be sent to AGA and Ameritas immediately after submission for processing. After processing Ameritas will send a welcome letter that includes your writing number and custom URL.

    Ameritas AGA Agent Contract

    Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link.

    Transfer / Release Policy

    Agents are free to transfer their Ameritas appointment without a release after 6 months of no production under their current GA. To begin the transfer please complete the Ameritas AGA Agent Contract via DocuSign. Be prepared to upload a void check and a letter of explanation if needed. Your contract will be sent to AGA and Ameritas immediately after submission for processing. After processing Ameritas will send a welcome letter that includes your writing number and custom URL.

    Ameritas AGA Agent Contract

    Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link.

    Demographic Changes

    Email with your demographic changes

    EFT Changes

    Complete EFT changes on  

    Add Non Resident State

    Agents are able to sell products as long as they are contracted in ‘just in time’ status. States are appointed as business is submitted. PA is our only pre-appointment state. If an agent wants to quote in PA they need to notify to add their PA appointment.

    Assignment of Commissions

    Coming soon.

    Anthem Blue Cross and Amerigroup


    Thank you for your interest in marketing Anthem Blue Cross & Amerigroup through Applied General Agency. Anthem uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

    To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days.

    The Anthem email will be from with the subject of “Action Required: Your agency has asked us to appoint you”. The body of the email will indicate that the invite was sent to you by ‘APPLIED GENERAL AGENCY, INC’.

    Anthem Walkthrough: Anthem submission guide

    If logging in using the link in the email notification received from, once logged in you will land directly in the appointment request. If logging in by going to, Click the ‘Complete Appointment’ button

    Basic Information: If Contracting as a Corporation: The agency information section will only appear if you select ‘yes’ to indicate you are the Principal of an Agency or General Agency. If you are a not the principal of the agency, please select ‘no’ and you will not be prompted to enter any agency information.

    Appointment Section: Select the state/brand combinations you would like to be appointment/contracted in. Select “Line of Business” – most states will have the options of Individual, Large Group, Small Group and Senior. You will select one option and then select Add another Line of Business to add additional options. Select who your Medicare commissions should be paid to. When contracting as a corporation both you and your corporation need to be licensed in all states being requested.

    To sell Medicare with AGA it is very important to select to sell the Senior line of business.

    • Commission selection – State selection needs to be complete to view all options
      • Broker – Direct pay to agent
      • Parent Agency – Commissions are paid to AGA, and AGA will pay you
      • 3 Tier Broker Owned Agency – Commission paid to the corporation you own
      • 3 Tier Agency – Not Common – You are assigning your Anthem/Amerigroup commissions to a third party that is currently contracted with Anthem.

    If a release is required due to an existing agency relationship, you will see the release information message. If a release is not required, you will not see any release information.

    Complete business survey, forms, EFT, and payment. Payment of state appointment fees is required if you are contracting for the first time in this state. Fees are determined by each state’s Department of Insurance.

    When completed you will see a submission confirmation. You can then check the status of your request on your dashboard

    You may now begin the certification process. You can complete the certification while your contract is being processed, Instructions are in your back office portal. After the contract is processed and certification has been completed successfully, you will receive an Anthem “Welcome” letter with agent number.

    Transfer/Release Policy

    If you are currently contracted with Anthem through another agency you will need to submit a new agent contract under AGA using the above instructions.

    In addition to the paperwork, there are two ways to transfer to AGA.

    Immediate transfer: Submit your AGA/Anthem contract and upload your letter of release from your previous agency. Please reach out to your current upline to see if they will issue a letter of release. If the release is not uploaded you will default to the three month delayed release.

    Three month delayed release: Submit your AGA/Anthem contract. After three months you will need to send a new AGA/Anthem contract. You will be sent an email from Anthem notifying your three months has passed. Email that email to and we will send you a new contracting link. Agents submitting for a delayed release from 7/1 to 9/1 can submit their second contract after 1/1.

    Agents can continue to sell Anthem whether their Upline Agency honors their request for immediate release or requires a waiting period.

    Elevance Health Agent Release Policy

    Agents currently associated to an FMO/EMO/MGA partner must be released in order to change their relationship.  When an onboarding request is received for a new relationship and the agent is identified as having an active affiliation with one of our FMO/EMO/MGA partners, a release request will be generated online via the Broker Portal to the current Partner.

    IF the release is approved, the new onboarding request will move forward and complete processing.  No waiting or black out period applies.

    IF the release request is denied, the current onboarding request is closed and a waiting period is required for the agent to re-apply to move to a new relationship.

    Blackout Period for Agent Release:

    • Upline Agency denial of agent release requests that are submitted between January 2 and June 30 will have a waiting period of 90 days.
    • Upline Agency denial of agent release requests that are submitted between July 1 and September 30 will be subject to a black out period during AEP.  Agents will be able to re-apply for relationship change beginning January 2.
    • A limit of one release every 12 months will be accepted for all agents without an approval from the current Upline Agency (subject to waiting periods).

     Why do we have a Blackout Period and a 90 day Release Option for Downline Agents?

    This change protects our Agency partners during the most critical months before and during the annual Medicare open enrollment period. Offering a faster 90 day release option gives agents more flexibility.  Downline agents can continue to sell Anthem whether their Upline Agency honors their request for immediate release or requires a waiting period.


    Agent Release Timeline
    Release Request Received

    If Not approved,

    Release Waiting Period

    If approved,

    Immediate Release

    1/2 through 6/30 Agents can re-apply after 90 day waiting period *Processed upon receipt  
    Blackout Period – 7/1 through 9/30 Agents can re-apply beginning 1/2/2025 *Processed upon receipt
    10/1 through 1/1 Agents can re-apply after 90 day waiting period *Processed upon receipt
    1/2 through 6/30 Agents can re-apply after 90 day waiting period *Processed upon receipt  
    *upon validation by our Licensing & Credentialing Team

      Demographic Changes

      See Anthem Demographic-EFT-Commission Pay Structure.

      Updating contact/demographic information page 15

      Log into Producer Toolbox Click the profile icon and ‘Account Details’, click ‘Contact’, click ‘Edit’. Update desired information (address, phone number, and/or email address) and click ‘Save’. If updates are accepted, a successfully message will appear.

      EFT Changes

      See Anthem Demographic-EFT-Commission Pay Structure.

      Existing Brokers Changing Commission Payment Structure page 12 – 13
      Existing Agents Adding or Updating Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) page 14

      Log into Producer Toolbox Click the profile icons, ‘Account Details’
      Select ‘EFT info’. Add, Edit, or Remove EFT information.

      Add Non-Resident State

      To add a state new contracting forms will need to be submitted. Follow initial contracting instructions for Anthem as described above.

      Fee Schedule

      Assignment of Commissions

      See Anthem Demographic-EFT-Commission Pay Structure.

      Existing Brokers Changing Commission Payment Structure page 12 – 13

      At this time existing agents are only able to request this type of change during the communicated opt in period.

      Log into Producer Toolbox Click the profile icon and ‘Account Details’. Scroll down to a state with a senior relationship under your upline/parent agency. Click ‘Update Commission’ to change the commission payment setup. Note: When changing your commission payment structure, you only have to complete this process for one state. Based on that request, the updates will be made for ALL state under that upline/parent agency.

      Select desired commission payment setup type from the dropdown list. Enter the required agency information if requesting a 3 Tier setup. Click ‘Save Changes’. Complete all required forms. Click ‘I Acknowledge’ and then click ‘Back to Overview’ once all forms show completed. Click ‘Submit’. A confirmation screen will appear with a button to return to ‘Account Details’.

      Anthem ACA


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with Anthem ACA . AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Plan Advisors & New Health Partners, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

      After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting.

      Transfer / Release Policy

      Demographic Changes

      Email with changes

      EFT Changes

      Complete the ACA EFT form via DocuSign

      Add Non Resident State

      Email with changes



      There are a limited number of agent contracts available for Aspire. To be considered for contracting Aspire you will need to conduct the majority of your business in Monterey county, and provide a marketing plan or an estimate of the business you expect to write. Please detail your qualifications in an email to

      Transfer / Release Policy

      Coming soon.



      Thank you for your interest in marketing Astiva through Applied General Agency. Astiva uses an online contracting system, and will require you to complete your own contracting.

      Certification Link:

      Contracted Agency Affiliation: Applied General Agency NPN 6187022

      Please be prepared to provide the following information:

      • National Producer Number (NPN)
      • AHIP for current year
      • CA Department of Insurance License
      • E&O Coverage

      Transfer/Release Policy

      For an immediate transfer please send a copy of your letter of release to and let us know you need to transfer your Astiva contract.

      If you are unable to obtain a letter of release from your current upline, Astiva can review transfers on a case by case basis. Please reach out to and, to discuss your situation. 

      EFT Changes

      Complete your Astiva EFT Changes via DocuSign

      AOC Changes

      Complete your Astiva AOC via DocuSign

      Regence BlueCross BlueShield and Asuris Northwest


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with Asuris/Regence. To get started please complete the Request link via DocuSign Regence – Asuris Contracting Request. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, My Plan Advisors, for us to offer Asuris to our agents.

      When submitting a Producer Affiliation request as an Agency appointment, the corporation and agent must be both licensed in the states requested. Be prepared to upload a copy of your license, E&O, and void check, if applicable corporation license and corporation E&O.

      Allow 10-14 business days for the request to be processed (can take longer during times of increased activity). The Asuris Agent Onboarding team will send the producer/agency agreement to the email provided. Review, sign, complete, and return the agreement to Once the request is complete, you will receive a welcome email with your writing number. If a Medicare appointment to sell MA/PDP Plans was requested, agents will automatically receive an email with a link to the certification training found at Pinpoint.

      Regence – Asuris Contracting Request

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Immediate Realignment – Release letter

      To secure a release, please obtain a letter from your current FMO.  The letter should be on the FMO’s letterhead, list your name and agency name (if applicable), and the date of the release.  The letter should be signed by the principle of the FMO.

      Send a copy of the release, Asuris Contracting Request Form with supporting documents to

      If you are an affiliated producer in an agency (one who assigns commissions to an agency), you will also need a release from the agency.

      90 Day Delayed Release – Cannot Obtain Release Letter

      If you are unable to secure a Release letter from your current upline, send an email to the current upline requesting to be released.  Ensure the email contains the name of your current upline agency and shows the date it was requested.

      Send a copy of the email request, Asuris Contracting Request Form with supporting documents to

      If you are an affiliated producer in an agency (one who assigns commissions to an agency), you will also need to request a release from the agency.

      Your contract and appointment will be realigned under Plan Advisors 90 days from the date of the release request once your paperwork is completed

      Demographic Changes

      Email changes to

      EFT Changes

      Email changes to

      Add Non-Resident State

      Send the, Asuris Contracting Request Form with supporting documents to and

      Allow 10-14 business days for the request to be processed (can take longer during times of increased activity). The Asuris Agent Onboarding team will send the producer/agency agreement to the email provided. Review, sign and complete and return agreement to

      Once the request is complete, you will receive a welcome email with your writing number. If a Medicare appointment to sell MA/PDP Plans was requested, agents will automatically receive an email with a link to the certification training found at Pinpoint.



      Thank you for your interest in contracting with AvMed. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Heath Insurance Store, for us to offer this carrier to our agents.

       To get started complete the AvMed Contracting Request. After the request has been completed Heath Insurance Store will send you the Miramar code for the products you requested. Open Miramar and complete the AvMed contracting. Miramar Guide

      Transfer/Release Policy

      To transfer your AvMed complete the AvMed Contracting Request link. In the DocuSign, you will be sent the Miramar code and link to begin your transfer. A letter of release will need to be uploaded in Miramar if you have contracted with another upline in the past 6 months or have written in the past 6 months. A letter of release is not needed outside of those dates. Miramar Guide

      Demographic Changes

      Changes can be made by contacting

      EFT Changes

      Changes can be made by contacting

      Bankers Fidelity


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with Bankers Fidelity with Applied General Agency! To get started you will complete online contracting through SuranceBay.

      Below is the link that AGA downlines will use to contract with Bankers:

      If you are new to SuranceBay here is a SuranceBay User Guide.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      To transfer your Bankers Fidelity appointment to AGA you will need to complete a new contract through SuranceBay. In addition to completing the contract if you have written business in the past six months or have contracted with a new upline in the past six months a letter of release is needed to transfer your contract.

      Below is the link that AGA downlines will use to contract with Bankers:

      SuranceBay User Guide.

      Demographic Changes

      Email and with agent name, writing number, and what is changing

      EFT Changes

      Bankers direct deposit form completed and emailed to and with agent name, writing number

      Add Non-Resident State

      Email and with agent name, writing number, and states to add.

      Assignment of Commissions

      Bankers Assignment of Commissions form completed and emailed to and with agent name, writing number


      Thank you for your interest in marketing Banner Health through Applied General Agency. Banner Health uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

      To get started complete the Banner Background Form via DocuSign. After completion, AGA will send you a Banner contracting invitation to begin contracting in a few days. You will receive an email from with username information and a link to reset your password.

      See Banner MA Onboarding User Guide

      If you have completed your background form and have not received your email from Banner, you can go to the broker portal link and click reset password. This will prompt you to set up the authenticator and log in.

      BCBS AR


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS AR. To get started please complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Premier, for us to offer BCBS AR to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

      BCBS AR Request

      Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      If you are currently contracted with another upline please complete the BCBS AR Hierarchy Form, and return it to For an immediate release, you will need a signature from your current FMO. If you are unable to obtain your FMO’s signature you may begin a delayed 90-day release.

      Please complete the BCBS AR Hierarchy Form, and return it to New online carrier contracting paperwork will be emailed to you for completion.

      Blackout period from 9/1 through 12/1 – don’t accept releases but will let agent transfer with 90-day intent.

      Demographic Changes

      EFT Changes

      Assignment of Commission

      Assignment of commissions are available

      BCBS of AZ


      Thank you for your interest in marketing BCBS AZ through Applied General Agency. BCBS AZ uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

      To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting.

      New added users will receive a welcome email containing: Contracting Guide

      See BCBS AZ User Guide & BCBS AZ Contracting Guide to completing contracting

      To complete the registration the user can follow the link provided in the welcome or click on the (1) ‘Register’ button on the homepage. Enter your ‘Registration ID’ and ‘Access Code’ and click ‘Continue’. Select the (1) ‘Lookup NPN using NIPR’ button. Search for your NPN and confirm.  Your NPN number is now confirmed. Click the ‘Submit’ button on the Registration page to continue and complete your registration information. All required fields are marked with a *red asterisk and need to be filled out before the registration can be successfully submitted. The first and last name is pre-filled based on the pre-registration information and can’t be altered during the registration process.

      Users that have completed their registration can login directly on the homepage

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Steps to transfer your BCBS AZ appointment

      1. Send a copy of an email and/or a letter that was sent to their current FMO, requesting to be released. (Response from FMO not required). The Producer will need to have a current AZ resident license and be current with all mandatory certifications.
      2. AGA will submit the following to for processing.
        1. Email stating “This is an FMO transfer request”
        2. New Producer Upload Spreadsheet (completed by AGA)
        3. Copy of your release request
      3. BCBSAZ will add a new contract to our training site, Pinpoint Global, for the Producer to complete a new contract(s) under the requested FMO.
      4. Only complete contract(s) will be submitted to our Contracting Team for processing.
        1. Please allow 7-10 business days for processing.
      5. Once the contract(s) have been processed, the Producer will receive a Ready to Sell email.

      **Important Notes**

      Incomplete contracts or missing documents will delay processing times. Please make sure all re-quired documents are included to avoid delays. If the contract(s) is not completed within 30 days, then the transfer request will be voided.

      Former FMO: The Producer’s book of business will stay with the former FMO. The FMO is expected to continue commission payout to the Producer as long as the Producer of record has not changed, and the policy is still active.

      FMO Transfer Blackout Period: October 1 – December 31 (Annually) Producers will not be able to complete an FMO transfer from October 1 to December 31. If the FMO receives a Producer request to change FMOs during this time, the FMO may send these requests to beginning January, 1 of the following calendar year.

      BCBS HCSC – IL, MT, NM, OK, & TX


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS IL,TX,NM,OK,MT. To get started please complete the BCBS IL,TX,NM,OK,MT Request Form via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Premier, for us to offer BCBS IL,TX,NM,OK,MT to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an invitation with a link from with the subject line of “Onboarding Invitation” to begin contracting in a few days.  The body of the email includes a Login link that launches the Producer Pro application. This is a link that is intended only for the recipient. It cannot be transferred, forwarded to another email account or used by another Producer individual.

      Contracting Request Form: BCBS IL,TX,NM,OK,MT

      Please see BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Individual or BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Corporation

      Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Agents are responsible for submitting a transfer request by email during one transfer period per year determined by HCSC. Outside of the transfer period agents can terminate their appointment. To terminate agents have to contact the carrier to have their current appointment terminated, once the termination is approved re-contracting will be needed.  There is no waiting period to re-contract once an appointment is termed.

      By terminating to transfer all previous business and renewals are lost.

      If you would like to continue to transfer your appointment to AGA email either the below individual or corporate termination template to and BCBS will confirm your termination, and AGA will send you a BCBS contracting link. Please see BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Individual or BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Corporation

      Individual Termination Template: Please term my, (NAME), Medicare appointment (PRODUCER ID#) in order for me to recontract as a direct pay under Premier Senior Marketing.

      Corporation Termination Template: Please terminate my current Medicare appointment (PRODUCER ID#) in order for me to re-contract my agency (NAME) and as an LOA sub-producer under it.

      Demographic Changes

       Changes can be made on


      EFT Changes

       Changes can be made on


      Add Non Resident State

      To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

      After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link from with the subject line of “Onboarding Invitation” to begin contracting in a few days.  The body of the email includes a Login link that launches the Producer Pro application. This is a link that is intended only for the recipient. It cannot be transferred, forwarded to another email account or used by another Producer individual.

      Please see BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Individual or BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Corporation

      Assignment of Commission

      AOC is not available for this carrier. As an alternative agents can be placed as LOA under AGA


      BCBS of Kansas City (MO & KS)


      As of 09/17/2024 Carrier no longer contracting new agents. Blue Cross of Kansas City will be exiting the MA Marketplace at the end of the year.  For this reason, we are not accepting new agents for MA specific line of business. 

      Thank you for your interest in marketing BCBS of Kansas City (MO & KS) through Applied General Agency.

      New agents email & PRODUCERINFO@BlueKC.COM include agent name, email, NPN indicate contracting with MA under AGA. 

      Example: BCBS KC, My name is Toby Stark, NPN 1213, please send me a Medicare Advantage appointment under AGA-BCBS KC contracting link to

      *MA appointments with us requires the completion of the Medicare + Fraud, Waste, & Abuse (MFWA) through AHIP as well as active insurance licenses in both KS & MO.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      If you are not sure who you are currently contracted with log into And select My Profile. The listed company name is your current upline.

      An agent can request a change in upline by:
      1. A written request to BCBS of KC ( & PRODUCERINFO@BlueKC.COM &

      2. If an agent is already with an agency then the agent will request a release from the current agency or wait 6 months from the written request date to BCBS of KC.

      Producer Support: 1-877-259-8657

      BCBS of MI


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS MI. To get started complete the BCBS MI Contracting via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Premier, for us to offer BCBS MI to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive certification instructions from the carrier within in a few days.

      Contracting Request Form: BCBS MI Contracting

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS MI. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Premier, for us to offer BCBS MI to our agents. To get transfer your appointment complete the BCBS MI Contracting via DocuSign. Then you will need to complete the BCBS MI Transfer form and email it to

      Demographic Changes

      Changes can be made by emailing

      Assignment of Commissions

      Coming Soon

      BCBS of MN


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS of MN. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, IFC National Marketing, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started complete the AGA BCBS of MN Request Form

      BCBS MN requires agents to either have a MN resident license, or a resident license of a bordering state (the address must also be within a bordering county).

      Once this request form is completed, IFC will provide you with the instructions to pay their appointment fee(s) to BCBS MN. Individual agents must pay $138.50. If an agent has an agency they would like to contract the fee is $75.00 on top of any individual agent fees.

      IFC will also send you a DocuSign to complete. It includes banking information, demographic information, license copies, E&O and some other questions regarding the agent’s specific agency orientation.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS of MN. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, IFC National Marketing, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started complete the AGA BCBS of MN Request Form

      BCBS MN requires agents to either have a MN resident license, or a resident license of a bordering state (the address must also be within a bordering county).

      BCBS of NC


      Thank you for your interest in marketing BCBS of NC through Applied General Agency. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Carolina Senior Marketing (CMS), for us to offer BCBS NC to our agents.

      You must be a resident of NC.

      To get started please complete the CSM BCBS NC O65 Appointment Intake Form.

      Agency Affiliation = Applied General Agency

       Once the intake form is completed, CSM will submit the information to BCBS NC within 24-48 hours of receipt. From there the Regional Service Executive (RSE) assigned to you will reach out directly with the next steps including additional interview questions if necessary and training instructions.

      It is important you be on the lookout for an email from their RSE, as we do not have line of sight on this communication, if you are not responsive to the RSE you will not get appointed. Please reach out to if you have not heard from your BCBS NC RSE after 10 business days, and we will reach out to BCBS NC for an update.

      A few reminders as agents are requesting BCBS NC appointments:
      • The agent must be a resident of NC – at this time there is no exception
      • If you are transfering from another FMO you must have a release
      • For initial certification, the agent must transmit their AHIP, attend BCBS NC’s online training and then complete their exams.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Since Blue Cross Blue Shield NC pays all agent commissions to their affiliated TMO, if an agent decides to transfer away from their current TMO their commissions would stay with the TMO. The agent would need to make sure they have an agreement with their TMO that the agent would still receive their Blue NC commissions after transferring away from the TMO or that the agent was okay giving up their current Blue NC commissions.

      The agent would then need to get a written release from their current TMO releasing their appointment. Please send your letter of release to your Regional Sales Executive (RSE), and In the email you will need let the RSE of your intent to transfer to Carolina Senior Marketing and then you will need to complete a new appointment application under CSM. Example: RSE, Please see my attached letter of release from XY Agency. I would like to transfer my appointmetn to Carolina Senior Marketing. Thank you, John Smith

      Demographic Changes

      Email changes to email to, include their P# and copy

      BCBS of NE


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS NE. To get started complete the BCBS NE Contracting via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Premier, for us to offer BCBS NE to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive certification instructions from the carrier within in a few days.

       Contracting Request Form: BCBS NE Contracting

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS NE. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Premier, for us to offer BCBS NE to our agents. To get transfer your appointment complete the BCBS NE Contracting via DocuSign, and you will need to email, and state you are transferring your appointment to Premier Marketing.

      Demographic Changes

      EFT Changes

      Changes are made on Contracting Request Form: BCBS NE Contracting

      BCBS of TN


      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS TN. AGA has partnered with our Integrity Partner, Agent Pipeline, to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started, complete the BCBS TN Contracting Request. After a few days, you will receive a contracting link to finalize your contracting process.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      Thank you for your interest in contracting with BCBS TN. AGA has partnered with our Integrity Partner, Agent Pipeline, to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started, complete the BCBS TN Contracting Request. After a few days, you will receive a contracting link to finalize your contracting process.

      Release is not required – Agent can transfer at anytime, carrier allows agents to be contracted with more than one FMO at a time – FMO Assentation Form is required to transfer

      Demographic Changes

      Email your changes to and state your updates for BCBS TN.

      EFT Changes

      Email your changes to and state your updates for BCBS TN.

      Blue Shield


      Thank you for your interest in Blue Shield. To complete your appointment, please click on the link to get started.

      You will need to create an account, once completed you will log in. It will prompt you to reset your password prior entering the portal. After resetting your password you will then you will be able to gain access. Once in the portal,  a tab will appear, “ What you need to apply”,  it will show the documents that are required for your application.  Once you have the necessary documents, you will be able to begin your application. See Blue Shield Appointment User Guide for step by step instructions

      IMPORTANT: You must complete your Blue Shield certifications and align yourself to AGA. To align to AGA, you must first transfer your AHIP to Blue Shield and then log in to Blue Shield Learns. Click the Agency/Profile Update link, update your Primary Agency to Applied General Agency, TIN 330961867, and SAVE.



      Transfer/Release Policy

      To change your upline to AGA by making changes on Blue Shield Learns. To align to AGA, you must first transfer your AHIP to Blue Shield and then log in to Blue Shield Learns. Update link, update your Primary Agency to Applied General Agency, TIN 330961867, and SAVE.



      EFT Changes

      Assignment of Commissions

      Assignment of Commission Form and submitted to

      The Broker Assignment of Commission (AOC) form is intended for use by an agent to assign their individual commission to a company owned by the individual or their spouse. The assignment must meet the requirements of the Blue Shield Producer Agreement. The company must be appointed and maintain a current license issued by the California Department of Insurance and hold a Blue Shield of California appointment. If the corporation is not appointed, follow the online appointment process using the agency information only. Broker Registration – Producer Connection (

      If assigning commissions to a third party there are two options. One, agent can terminate their Blue Shield appointment. uncontracted agents will have their commissions paid to AGA as long as AGA’s ID is on the application. AGA can then pay the third party. This does disrupt the agent’s ability to reach out to the carrier to check on client statuses. Two, update the agent’s EFT to pay the third party. The agent will get the 1099 at the end of the year, but the third party’s accountant can change that to to the third party with a form.

      • Please continue to submit your applications just as you do today, listing the Agent Section with your Individual NPN and/or SSN, and FMO Section with AGA #330961867E
      • The Assignment of Commissions Form is an all or nothing form. It will assign future and past commissions for all lines of business, individual, Medicare, and Med Supp, to the one location of your choosing.
      • You may revoke or change your payee information at any time and as often as you want by notifying Blue Shield in writing.
      • If both your corporation and individual appointments exist, then only the Assignment of Commission Form needs to be completed and submitted to to expedite the process.
      • To check your Blue Shield appointment, search for Blue Shield in your corporate and individual appointments at this CA DOI link.
      • If you do not complete the appointment paperwork for your corporation, your commissions will be deposited into the account of your choosing, but your Blue Shield 1099 will be issued to you individually. This can be changed after the fact by working with your tax professional and submitting an additional IRS form.

      Bright Health, Central and Brand New Day


      Thank you for your interest in marketing Central, Brand New Day, and Molina through Applied General Agency. Molina uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

      To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

      Complete online carrier contracting, see Molina Agent Appointment Guide & Molina Producer Guide

      The Full Contract must be completed within 60 days, otherwise the invite is deleted.

      Workflow Case Status:

      Retrieve NPN – Case Created, not yet started.

      Producer Application – Case has been started, but not yet completed.

      Review Application – Case has been submitted to Molina for processing.

      Awaiting Training Completion – Case has been approved and waiting for agent to complete certification.  If agent has completed certification, notify Molina of completion date.

      Review & Submit – Certification completed, final review by Molina.  Background is ordered.

      Appointment Pending – Appointments have been processed.  This usually takes 2 business to proceed to active status.

      Onboarded – Case is now active.  Agent will show RTS.  Welcome Letter with Writing Number is sent both to the agent and agency.


      Ready to Sell (RTS) requirements that must be me in order to SELL and BE COMPENSATED for any Molina Medicare Policy:

      Contracting Completed for Current Year

      Certification Completed for Current Year

      Agent must have a current Errors and Omissions on file with us at the time a policy is written.

      Agent must have a current license and applicable Molina appointments in the state(s) they are contracted with us.

      Transfer/Release Policy

      To transfer your Molina appointment to AGA there are 2 options for this transfer. For an immediate transfer complete the Molina immediate release form. It will need to be signed by the agent and their current upline. Once release is completed, please email it to

      If you are unable to get the immediate release you can begin a delayed release. For a delayed release you will complete a constructive release in the Molina contracting. Request a Molina contract by emailing a 5.6 to This release will go in effect the 1st of the month, 90 days from when it was received.

      Example – Release is received 02/10/2024, 90 days out will fall on 05/10/2024 and transfer will be effective 06/01/2024. Not available during AEP(10/1 to 12/15). If a constructive or delayed release should have been effective from 10/1 to 12/15, it will be effective for 1/1.

      See Molina Transfer Guide

      EFT Changes

      Email your updated information to and, include your name and NPN.

      Demographic Changes

      Email your updated information to and, include your name and NPN.

      Complete Molina Supplier Form to have your commissions paid to a corporation, send the completed form to 

      Add State

      Per CMS Communication and Marketing Guidelines (110.1), compliance with state licensure and/or appointment laws is required. Producers have the responsibility to maintain state licenses, continuing education and all other state requirements. Uplines must be contracted and have the proper licenses and appointments required by applicable law.

      To add state(s):
      Send an email to:
      Subject Line: Add Additional States
      Include copy of licenses for requested states. Broker Support will respond back to you and cc your upline
      once you have been appointed and are ready to sell in additional state(s).

      Lines of Authority:
      • CA – Accident & Health
      • FL – Health
      • ID – Disability
      • MI – Accident & Health
      • NM – Accident and Health or Sickness
      • OH – Accident & Health
      • SC – Accident Health or Sickness
      • TX – Life, Accident, Health and HMO
      • UT – Accident and Health or Sickness
      • WA – Disability
      • WI – Accident & Health

      Assignment of Commission

      CalOptima Health


      Thank you for your interest in marketing CalOptima through Applied General Agency. CalOptima uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

      To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days.

      The CalOptima email will be from Please have your valid government ID, CA DOI license, E&O certificate, and Current AHIP ready for upload.

      You may access the portal using the following credentials. Please use this log in to upload any missing documents.
      UserID: Your Email Address

      If you cannot find your CalOptima email, navigate to the CalOptima website and reset your password.

      Transfer / Release Policy

      Release Letters from currently appointed OneCare FMO Agencies are NOT required. Begin your transfer by completing the CalOptima Transfer Form. This form can only be submited once a year from January 1st and July 14th.

      Complete the CalOptima Transfer Form via DocuSign, have your license, E&O and AHIP ready to upload. CalOptima Health processes current FMO/Broker Agency “Release” and updates FMO’s CalOptima Health OneCare Ready to Sell roster “Release Approved effective (date)”. CalOptima Health provides new FMO/Broker Agency confirmation of reassignment effective date.

      CalOptima Health Annual Election Period (AEP) Blackout Period is from August 1st to January 1st. Blackout period transfer request is not permitted from July 15th to December 31st. An agent will only be allowed to transfer FMO/Broker Agency once a year between January 1st and July 14th. Any request to transfer outside the time frame above will be declined. Agents will be asked to re-submit transfer requests after January 1st.

        CalOptima Health allows agents with a currently active status to change their Field Marketing Organization (FMO)/Broker Agency once a calendar year. Agent transfer requests must be submitted by the 15th of the month, to be effective on the 1st of the following month. Only ONE change is permitted within a 12-month period.

        If an agent terminates the subcontract with CalOptima Health’s contracted Field Marketing Agency (FMO) after July 15th, the agent will not be able to re-contract with a new FMO until the following calendar year.

        Commissions:Commissions associated with enrollment applications received prior to the effective date of release remain unchanged and will continue to be paid according to prior commission assignment. The release ONLY affects enrollments that occur after the date of the release.

        Add Non Resident State

        CalOptima Health is only in CA

        EFT Changes

        AGA will pay commissions for CalOptima Health. To set up or update your EFT with AGA complete our EFT Form, attach a void check, and send it to

        Demographic Changes

        UserID: Your Email Address

        Care N Care


        As of 7/11/2024 New Agent Contracting has been suspended indefinitely.

        Thank you for your interest in contracting with Care N Care. To get started please complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Premier, for us to offer Care N Care to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

        Care N Care Direct Pay (Carrier Pays Commission)

        (Not common AGA will pay commissions) Care N Care Indirect Pay

        Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link.

        Transfer / Release Policy

        Begin your Care N Care transfer today! You will need a clean balance. Transfers are allowed after 6 months of non production, or 3 month wait after CNC Transfer Release Form signed.  Or immediate release after CNC Transfer Release Form signed. Send the completed transfer form to

        Add Non Resident State

        Care N Care is only in TX

        EFT Changes

        Updates can be made on

        Demographic Changes

        Updates can be made on



        To get started please request the carrier by completing our Request Form then we will email you the contracting instructions.

        Transfer / Release Policy

        To transfer you will need to obtain a letter of release from your previous upline and send a new conract.

        Centene – Allwell, Ascension Complete, Fidelis Care, Health Net, and WellCare


        Thank you for your interest in contracting to represent Centene – Allwell, Ascension Complete, Fidelis Care, Health Net, and WellCare plans through the AGA. You will be completing contracting through Centene’s online contracting system Ping One.

        To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link from with the subject line as Onboarding Invitation. The email will include the contracting link, username, and password. Click on the link to begin contracting. The contracting link will always be, and your username is your NPN.

        Review Centene’s Guide to Onboarding Brokers

        After logging in, select the Centene Workbench icon, and you will see the pending contract to complete. Select “Start”.

        When beginning the contract, you will need to validate your Social Security Number (SSN)/Tax Identification Number (TIN) against the NPN provided in your initiation. The NPN will be pre-populated. Enter in your SSN/TIN and select Validate. After validating, you will view a dashboard with tabs to enter Demographics, Payment, and State Licenses information before selecting the Submit tab.

        Once you have completed all demographic information, please review your Upline and Sub Type information. Your upline should show as Applied General Agency NPN 6187022.

        Sub-type descriptions: Downline Only – Broker has an upline, the broker receives their own commissions. Broker owns book of business. Licensed Only Agent – Broker has an upline, commissions are assigned to this upline. Broker does not own the book of business. Dual Assignment – The broker has an upline, commissions are assigned to this upline.

        When you have confirmed this information is correct, please check the box acknowledging you understand, and then select Continue. Please email if this is not correct.

        Select the Payment tab under My Certification Cases. Select Yes if you have a private company that you would like to assign as the Payee. Select No if you do not wish to declare a private company to be the Payee. Complete your W-9 and EFT according to how you will be paid. If you are contracted as an LOA or Dual Assignment you will not be asked to complete EFT information.

        Select the State Licenses tab under My Certification Cases. Your Resident state license is automatically selected for you. You can also select all licenses that you wish to market and sell Wellcare products in.

        Before submitting this onboarding case, you will be able to review the TPME document and your W9. You can save or print these documents at this time. The documents will also load into your broker profile within the portal. To submit your onboarding case, review and acknowledge the statements below. Use the open space to complete your signature, and then select Submit.


        Transfer/Release Policy

        If you are already appointed with Centene and would like to align under AGA, please log into your Ping One account.

        Note: Agents must be contracted AND certified to initiate a transfer. If you are contracted as an LOA or Tele Digital agent you will not be able to transfer with the below instructions. LOA agents will need to terminate their existing contracts, notify after the termination has been completed, then we will send you a new contract. In Ping One the terminate button is under My Credentials then My Status and Credentials. Tele Digital agents will need to have their upline terminate their contract, notify after the termination has been completed, then we will send you a new contract.

        Transfer blackout period is between September 15th and December 31st.

        See Centene Transfer Guide

        Once you are logged into PingOne, select “Centene Workbench”. Click My Account then My Hierarchy Info.

        Sub Type Options: Preform an upline or payment change

        Upline Options: Request to Leave My Current Upline

        Choose to have your commissions paid directly to you or to have AGA pay your commissions.

        Search for upline: Enter Applied General Agency or NPN 6187022

        Select Update

        Demographic Changes

        See Centene User Guide

        Once you are logged into PingOne, select “Centene Workbench”. Click My Account then Account Info or Payee Info.

        An agent can add a corporation by emailing We will then send you a new contracting link to contract your agency. Review Centene’s Guide to Onboarding Brokers

        EFT Changes

        See Centene User Guide

        Once you are logged into PingOne, select “Centene Workbench”. Click My Account then Account Info or Payee Info.

        Add Non-Resident State

        See Centene User Guide

        Once you are logged into PingOne, select “Centene Workbench”. Click My Credentials then Manage My Licenses.

        Active States displays which states you are currently approved to market/sell Wellcare plans.

        Available States displays additional states that are available for you to add to your profile. This is based off the NIPR. It may take a few days to see a new license appear in your Available States. Before writing business you must see the state added to your Active States.

        After completing selecting a state(s), select the Add Selected State button to save your changes.

        Wellcare will then process any necessary appointments based on the state rules.

        Assignment of Commissions

        See Centene User Guide

        Note:  When you declare a private company to be your payee, your 1099 will be in the name of this entity. A Tax ID can only be used once as a Payee. Two brokers cannot share a Payee Profile.

        Once you are logged into PingOne, select “Centene Workbench” then “My Account”. The Payee Info tab captures the name and address on file for payment. Select the Edit Payee Info tab to update your name or address. The 1099 that will generate will match the information on this screen.

        To declare a private company as your payee, select the Edit Payee Info button and update the information to reflect that of your company. Name = Name of the business / private company. Address = Shipping Address. SSN / TIN = the TIN of the business / private company. Then select Save

        A prompt will display to complete a new W9. The Business Entity Information will be prefilled from what was entered under the Edit Payee Info button. To make any adjustments, edit these fields.

        Once the Business Entity Information is accurate, scroll down to the W-9 Information. Assign the appropriate taxation type for your private company. It is required to check the box, acknowledging that you are legally authorized to execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the company. Proceed to the Banking Information and complete all required ACH fields.  Select Continue.

        The final steps are to acknowledge the W9 is accurate and complete your signature. Select the Submit button. The workflow will be completed, and your Payee Info will be updated.

        Cigna Healthcare


        Thank you for your interest in marketing CIGNA through Applied General Agency. CIGNA uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

        To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days.

        The email will be from, with a subject of Cigna-HealthSpring Producer Onboarding Invitation. Please be sure to check through your junk and spam folders. Click on the link to begin contracting.

         See CIGNA eContracting Guide

        Login to Producer Express: If you do not already have an account with Producer Express, you will need to select“Get My Password” under Need a Password? Once selected, you should receive an email with a temporary password. Once logged in, you will be prompted to create a new password. If you do, enter your existing password and login under Already have a password?

        Review the Getting Started page and hit Next. Read the User Agreement and check the box next to “I Agree”. Confirm your upline. You should see you are being aligned to Applied General Agency. Select No to proceed.

        Complete the Producer Information section. If you have already completed your Federally-Facilitated Individual Marketplace (FFM) certification, select Yes and provide your FFM user ID. If you have not, please select No. Please keep in mind you must complete the FFM and any applicable state-based certifications prior to being considered Ready-to-Sell.

        Review your Requested Appointment States. You will also see a list of any applicable New Business in Hand States. Answer the questions on the Background Information page and provide any corresponding documentation to any questions that are answered Yes. Review and Sign Documents. You will be asked to add your eSignature to the list of documents. Select I Agree to proceed. This will bring up the electronic packet for signature. Click the Click to Sign button to complete your contract. You will have the option to print a copy for your records on the next page.


        Transfer / Release Policy

        You can transfer your CIGNA Healthcare appointment in two ways:

        1. If you have a letter of release from your previous upline, you qualify for an immediate transfer. If you’re unsure who your current upline is, you can confirm this with Carl at
        2. If you do not have a release or are in the process of obtaining one, you can start a delayed 90-day release

        To begin an immediate transfer, complete a new contract under AGA by submitting a carrier request form and submit a letter of release to and  The letter of release must be signed by your top hierarchy and dated within the last 60 days. There is an immediate transfer blackout period from September 15 to December 31.

        To start a 90-day release, complete the CIGNA Self-Release from Topline Form via DocuSign. This form serves as your notice of intent to change to a new sales hierarchy and initiates a 90-day waiting period. Once the waiting period is over, you must complete a new contract with AGA within 60 days. If you miss this deadline, you will need to submit a new request, undergo a qualification check, and start a new waiting period. The 90-day period officially begins when the CARL email box receives your form. You can continue to sell during this waiting time.To ensure your changes are effective for the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), submit your delayed release by July 15 and complete your new contract before October 15.

        Agents are allowed to change their topline agency once per calendar year.

        EFT Changes

        Complete the CIGNA EFT Form and email to 

        Add State

        Email a copy of your license to Please include your name and NPN in the body of the email.

        The only states that are pre-appoint for MAPD are AL, OK, OR, PA, and WA.  All other states are Just in Time (JIT) states so appointments for those states will not be placed until after the agent has submitted their first enrollment.  As a reminder, the agent must be contracted, certified, and licensed prior to making a sale in any JIT state.

        Cigna Med Supp


        Thank you for your interest in marketing CIGNA Med Supp through Applied General Agency. This appointment is for Med Supp and does not include PDP. For PDP contract with CIGNA Healthcare.

        Complete the CIGNA Med Supp Contract via DocuSign. Please have your license(s), E&O, and void check ready to upload. State appointment fees are required when the agent is appointed with the insurance company. Separate fees are required for each insurance company you will represent. Payment of the appointment fees will be debited from your commission account. If appointments requested in MT, OK, PA or TX, you will be appointed immediately. See Pre Appointment states for CIGNA Med Supp

        CIGNA Med Supp Contract Direct Pay – Carrier will pay commissions to you or to a corporation you own.

        (Not Common) CIGNA Med Supp Contract In direct Pay – Your commissions will be paid by a third party designated by you. The third party must be currently contracted with CIGNA Med Supp and under AGA. On the DocuSign landing page complete the Assignee section. You will need the Full Name and Email of the person/entity you are assigning commissions to. The Assignee will be emailed the CIGNA LOA contract and it will be sent to CIGNA. Incomplete submissions will be voided.

        Transfer / Release Policy

        To begin a transfer complete a CIGNA Med Supp Contract via DocuSign.

        A letter of release is required if agent has written business in the past 6 months or has contracted with previous upline in the past 6 months. 

        If the agent is unable to obtain the required release or does not meet the 6 month rule, he/she will need to communicate to & that he/she intends to switch hierarchies in 6 months.  The communication from the agent to the contracting mailbox will serve as the start of the 6-month waiting period and we will track that date on the agent’s profile.

        EFT Changes

        Call 800-903-7711 or email to change or terminate EFT

        Add Non-Resident State

        CIGNA ACA


        Thank you for your interest in contracting with CIGNA ACA. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Plan Advisors & New Health Partners, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

        After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting.

        CIGNA ACA Producer Onboarding

        Transfer / Release Policy

        Agents will need to complete the Acknowledgement of Contractual Obligation form which will terminate the current contract.

        Once this release is completed, you will be sent a new contracting link for CIGNA ACA. Once your new contract is completed CIGNA will need approximately 7-14 business days, subject to current carrier volume.  Until the you are notified that the release/transfer is completed, you should NOT write any new business.

        If the agent has a book of business release an release this may be uploaded on the Acknowledgement of Contractual Obligation form. This will transfer the book of business that is listed on the transfer form. This is not required to complete your transfer. 

        No blackout period

        Downline does need to recontract, and each will need to follow above process

        Demographic Changes

        The agent needs to submit the request via email to, and

        EFT Changes

        Complete the ACA EFT form via DocuSign

        Add Non Resident State

        The agent needs to submit the request via email to, and

        Clear Spring Health


        Thank you for your interest in marketing Clear Spring Health through Applied General Agency. Clear Spring Health uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

        To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days.

        First time portal users: use the link in the email from CSH Certification (  )

        Returning portal users: go to

        Complete online carrier contracting, see Clear Spring Contracting Guide.

        Transfer / Release Policy

        Please complete the Clear Spring Release Policy and Transfer Form and send to and For an immediate release the form must be completed in its entirity. For 30 day delayed release the form needs to be completed, except for the two upline sections.

        Please see additional notes from the carrier:

        All Clear Spring Health External Agents must follow the Clear Spring Health Release Policy when terminating or modifying any hierarchy relationship.

        Agents will not be permitted to transfer from one hierarchy to another until they have been under contract for at least 60 days.

        Agent requesting a release from its contract must wait 30 days (delayed release) following the release request and receive approval from Clear Spring Health before being permitted to contract under another hierarchy.

        The 30-day waiting period may be waived if the Agent receives an immediate release from their current hierarchy or if the agent has not submitted any new business to Clear Spring Health in 180 days or more.

        When a hierarchy change is made the Agent must remain at their existing override or commission level for 6 months before any increase can be requested by the new hierarchy.

        If the transferring entity is a General Agent all subagents that are contracted to sell with the Company will move collectively along with the General Agent during transfer.

        No releases or hierarchy changes will be processed during the annual AEP Blackout which occurs from October 1st through December 31st. Any releases requested during the AEP Blackout will be effective January 1st of the following year if a release is requested or 30 days following the release request if submitted within 30 days of December 31st. If a release is requested less than 30 days before the beginning of the AEP Blackout (without immediate release) the release will be effective January 1st of the following year.

        Agent must be in good standing with Clear Spring Health to make any hierarchy change. The General Agent or Agent may not be under investigation internally or externally, must have acceptable compliance and sales metrics, and not be in debt to the carrier.

        Impact on Book of Business:

        New Business: Any business submitted to Clear Spring Health while the General Agent or Agent was under the previous hierarchy will result in the appropriate overrides and commission being paid as indicated by the contracts and schedules in place.

        Renewals: Any Clear Spring Health renewals earned while the General Agent or Agent was under the previous hierarchy will result in the appropriate overrides and renewals being paid as indicated by the contracts and schedules in place.

        EFT Changes

        Log into Go to My Account then Payee Info. Edit banking information then save.

        Add State

        Log into Go to Certification then add states. Select all applicable states then press save.

        Assignment of Commissions

        An agent that is set up for Direct and wants to change to LOA would need to contact and to change to LOA. CSH will then change the agent to LOA. An agent that is LOA and wants to change to Direct would need to contact us about the change and also complete a W-9 and an EFT form the agent’s banking information. CHS will provide the agent with our EFT form.

        Clever Care


        Thank you for your interest in contracting to represent Clever Care plans through AGA. You will be completing contracting through Clever Care’s online contracting system Clever Care Broker Portal.

        To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

        After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link from and “Evolve Agent Contracting Registration” as the subject line. The email will include the contracting link, username, and password. Click on the link to begin contracting. The contracting link will always be, and your username is your email.

        Please have your E&O and AHIP certificate handy, and be prepared to complete the Clever Care training. The entire process will take 15 minutes to an hour. After logging in you will see the pending contract to complete. Select “Start”.

        After initial log in just hit START then verify your NIPR status.

        From here just follow the steps/Test and Contract will come after uploading E&O and AHIP at DOCUMENTS


        Transfer / Release Policy

        For an immediate release, a letter of release from your current upline needs to be sent to and

        In instances where the FMO refuses to immediately release the agent, the agent may contact Clever Care and request a delayed release. The delayed release will be effective 90 days after the agent’s request is received. Release requests must be in writing and submitted by email at and

        The delayed release request must include the following information:

        • A clear statement stating the agent/broker’s intent to switch FMOs
        • Name of agent/broker
        • Agent NPN
        • Name of old FMO
        • Name of new FMO
        • Downline agents if any.

        Example. Clever Care my name is John Stark, NPN 12345. I would like to begin my delayed 90-day release. After 90-days, please transfer my Clever Care appointment from XYZ Agency to Applied General Agency.

        Agents/Brokers can continue to write new business for Clever Care during the waiting period.

        Clever Care will confirm receipt of request and make the changes after 90 days from request received date.

        EFT Changes

        Changes can be made on See Clever Care Agent Guide

        If your commissions are paid to AGA and you would like to be paid direct complete the Clever Care Exhibit A and email to Broker

        Demographic Changes

        Clover Health


        Thank you for your interest in marketing Clover through Applied General Agency. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

        Please begin certifications for Clover.

        Direct pay Clover Registration Code: 2294CloverDirect25

        (Not Common AGA pays you for your enrollments) Clover LOA Registration Code: 13CloverLOA25

        Clover Onboarding Guide

        Miramar website: ( to the portal and access the program from your dashboard to start certification.

        If an agent is logging in for the first time logging into Miramar then click “register as an agent”. Once you register as an agent, you will have to verify your SSN. Agent will then enter “Registration Code” on the main dashboard.

        If you have an account in Miramar already, please login as you normally would. If you forgot your login credentials username/password/security question, please reach out to our Broker Support team or (855) 979-2236. Our team can help provide your credentials to log into Miramar if you are running into any questions.

        TIPS & Tricks: If you are using an ios (Apple/Mac) platform, please make sure that you are using Chrome and not Safari. When using Safari we have experienced instances of pages not completely loading and pages that don’t allow agents to see all of the content or to proceed through the certification. Make sure your pop-up blockers are disabled. While uploading your license, please make sure that your name on your licenses matches EXACTLY how it does in Miramar. This is important because this stage matches to NIPR.

        Miramar User Guide:

        Miramar Knowledge Base:

        Transfer / Release Policy

        Clover Health agents may change their upline agency. Clover Health’s blackout period is October 1st – December 31st. Agents may NOT move during this period.

         The guidelines and all forms can be found on the Clover Health website under Broker Frequently Asked Questions. Please review our guidelines below for how agents can request a transfer.

         To begin your transfer have you written Clover Health business in the past 6 months?

         NO, I have not written Clover Health business in the past 6 months: Request a change to your new upline in your Miramar: From your Miramar dashboard, go to Groups and Change Group. You will need to enter the Miramar code for your new group. AGA Agency code Clover2022AppliedGADirect.

         YES, I have written Clover Health business in the past 6 months: If you have written business in the past 6 months, agents have 2 options to transfer agencies.

         Option 1: Agent is granted a Signed Release from their current agency and submits the release to Clover Health.

         Option 2: Agent submits a Notice of Intent to Transfer request to Clover Health. There is a 90 day waiting period from the date this form is submitted to when the change can be processed. You may continue to write business during this time. You will be moved on the 1st of the month after your 90 days (see below).

         Submit Signed Release or Notice of Intent to Transfer form on



        Agents are moved only on the 1st of each month!

        Example: If an agent submits a signed Release on January 3rd, they will be moved on February 1st.

        Example: If an agent submits a Notice of Intent to Transfer on January 3rd, they will be moved on May 1st

        Add State

        Email Clover Health Broker Support ( and notify them to add your requested state. Include your name and NPN.

        Commonwealth Care Alliance


        NOTE: Commonwealth Care Alliance exiting the Medicare Market effective December 31, 2024.

        Thank you for your interest in contracting with Commonwealth Care Alliance. To get started please complete the Request link via DocuSign. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an email from CCA from their online training system (“LMS”) containing a link. At your convenience, please use that link to log in and complete your online CCA Health Agent Certification.

        Send your AHIP to CCA via AHIP:

        Commonwealth Care Alliance Contracting

        Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link.

        Transfer / Release Policy

        For an immediate transfer please send a copy of your letter of release to and let us know you need to transfer your CCA contract.

        If you are unable to obtain a letter of release from your current upline, CCA can review transfers on a case by case basis. Please reach out to Brian Barry at, to discuss your situation.

        Denver Health Medical Plan


        Thank you for your interest in contracting with Denver Health Medical Plan through AGA. To get started complete the Docusign Denver Health Agent Contract.

        Transfer / Release Policy

        If you are currently contracted with Denver Health Medical Plan through another upline please email,, and State you are contracted with Denver and would like to transfer to AGA. Example: Hello, my name is John Smith. NPN 123. I would like to change my Denver Health upline from XYZ agency to Applied General Agency. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you,

        Demographic Changes

        Devoted Health Plans


        Thank you for your interest in contracting with Devoted Health Plans. We have top doctors, cutting edge technology, and personalized care teams that help us provide high quality healthcare to our members. We’re on a mission to make healthcare better — learn more about the Devoted Health Difference! We are excited to partner with you and look forward to working together.

        How to Access the Agent Portal. Create an account using either direct or AGA Pay.

        Devoted Direct Pay Contracting Link: Agents are paid directly by Devoted Health.

        (Not Common) Devoted Indirect Pay Contracting Link: AGA pays you for your enrollments

        Devoted Health’s Onboarding & Certification Process:

        • Account creation for Devoted Health’s Agent Portal
        • W-9 & Direct Deposit (Direct Payees only)
        • Agent Questionnaire
        • Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
        • Agent Agreement
        • Background Check Consent
        • Core Medicare Training or equivalency upload (AHIP or Pinpoint)
          • CMS Fraud, Waste & Abuse & Compliance Training
        • Devoted Certification Training & Exam
          • Agents will have 3 attempts to pass the training exam with a minimum score of 85% (If the agent is unable to pass within 3 attempts, they will need to certify for the next year)
          • Each time the exam is opened (initiated) it will count as an attempt and must be completed in one sitting (~30 min).
        • License Check
        • Appointment

        The agent’s progress will be saved if they cannot complete the certification all at once — they will be able to continue at a later time with the exception of the Devoted training exam.

        Once the appointment process for the agent’s respective state(s) is complete, agents will receive an email notification that they’re “Ready to Sell” (RTS).

        For more guidance, please refer to the Devoted Health Agent Portal Quick Start Guide or visit us at Contact us at 1-877-764-9446 or email us at

          Transfer / Release Policy

          Please review Devoted Health’s Release / Transfer Policy & Timeline:

          Devoted Immediate Release

          A broker or their immediate receiving / terminating upline agency (FMO/GA) may request the  release & transfer(s).The release & transfer may be requested by:

          All parties will be notified via email once the release & transfer has been processed. Processing timeline for an immediate release is 7 business days.

          Devoted Delayed Release

          If you do not have a letter of release, a request for a delayed release can be made by sending an email to, and your current upline. Example, Hello Devoted and current upline, please begin my 60 day delayed release to Applied General Agency. Thank you, Toby Stark NPN 123456.

          Receipt date of the delayed release request will start the clock for the 60 calendar days window.* The broker may continue to write business during the delayed release period. All parties will be notified via email once the delayed release has been processed. *Please reference the release timeline below for specific processing effective dates :

          Requests Received Immediate Release Requests Effective Delayed  Release Requests Effective
          8/15 – 10/8 Processed within 7 business days Effective 12/8
          10/9 – 8/14 Processed within 7 business days Effective 60 days after request

          EFT Changes

          Email to request any updates.

          Add State

          Email to request an add state.

          Assignment of Commission

          Email and to change from AGA pay to direct pay and vice versa.

          If you are assigning commissions to your corporation, agents can update their demographic, banking, and W9 information within their Devoted agent portal. Simply click on MY ACCOUNT beneath their name in the upper right corner of the screen. This will bring you to your account information and you can review or update as needed.



          Thank you for your Elderplan request. Please find the registration link and PIN codes for Elderplan Certifications


          For New brokers, use Registration Pin:  EPAGA25New

          • Note: this specific certification pin is for agents who are not currently appointed with Elderplan.  If you have been Elderplan appointed before, but were terminated, you are still considered a NEW agent.

          For Existing brokers, use Registration Pin: EPAGA25Existing

          • Note: this specific certification pin is designed for agents who are currently appointed with Elderplan.  If you are not appointed by Elderplan (or were previously appointed by Elderplan and were terminated), you are considered a NEW agent and you must contact your FMO manager or to receive the appropriate registration pin.

          Please note: If you do not have an existing agent profile in Miramar, you will need to create one. Once you log in, you will need to click “Register New” on the top left of your dashboard. You will then enter the appropriate registration Pin highlighted above, and click “Start” on the next page to begin the training (screenshot below). If your page is not loading properly, try using a different browser (i.e.: If you are using Google Chrome, try switching to Internet Explorer – or vice versa).

          Important things to note:

          • Ensure all of your Agent Profile details on Miramar are up to date to avoid any discrepancies (current address, phone number, etc.)
          • 2025 certifications should be completed prior to AEP in order to be Ready To Sell for the 2025 plan year. For existing agents, if their 2025 certification is not completed by 3/31/2025, their Elderplan appointment will be terminated, and they will be ineligible to receive commissions or residuals. New agents will have until 12/1/2025 to complete their training.
          • Even if they complete our 2025 certification, they will still need to complete our 2024 certification if they would like to sell for the current plan year. Any questions regarding our 2024 certification program, feel free to contact us.
          • For technical support within in Miramar (unable to log in,  certification not loading, etc.), please call (855) 828-8015 or submit a ticket to

          Transfer / Release Policy

          To make a change to your current upline for ElderPlan, simply log in to your Miramar portal, request a group change,  go to the “Groups” field on the left > click “Change Group” > type the group code and select “Change Groups”. AGA’s Code is AGA2242


          You can also just email us at and to request your transfer. 

          EFT Changes

          Changes can be made to your Miramar profile. 

          Demographic Changes

          Demographic changes can be made to your Miramar profile.



          Log into (Registration assistance

          Click on “Register New” and enter 2025 registration code 3078EmblemHealth1113

          Click “Start” in Programs section, complete contracting and certifications.

          Note: CT has an appointment fee and a renewal fee. If the agent writes less than 5 they will be responsible for that fee which is around $300 and the agent needs a CT license. 

          Transfer / Release Policy

          If you are with a different agency and want to move to AGA, ask your current FMO for a release, and email the release to

          If an FMO will not release you, you can move to the FMO of your choice two ways.

          One, by using the FMOs registration code for the next certification period. For example, if they use another FMO’s ID for 2020 certifications, they will need to wait until 2021 certifications are available to move to AGA.

          Second, Emblem will release a broker 90 days after an email is sent to the current FMO. Please email your current upline, and Please indicate you are currently contracted and would like to transfer to AGA. Example: Hello, This is John Smith, NPN 123456, I would like to transfer to AGA for Emblem. Please issue a release or I would like to start my 90 day delayed release.  Thank you,

          EmblemHealth ACA


          Thank you for your interest in marketing Emblem ACA through Applied General Agency. To get started complete your contracting request on Emblem ACA via DocuSign. Please have your NY licenses and NYSOH certification ready for upload. Complete your NYSOH certification on

            Transfer / Release Policy

            If there is a selling agent who already appointed with EmblemHealth Individual and actively with another general agent/FMO, wants to transfer to AGA:

            A request letter from the selling agent directly, indicate the date of GA transfer with effective date, with signature & date. Agent transfer will process the into future effective date, and not retroactively. Any transfer request received before the 15th of the month, will process the next 1st of the month; any transfer request received after the 16th of the month, will process the 1st of the following month.

            i.e. Transfer request received on 08/10/2024, will process for 09/01/2024 effective.

                  Transfer request received on 08/28/2024, will process for 10/01/2024 effective.

            EFT Changes

            To update banking information, please complete a new ACH form, along with the voided check to

            Demographic Changes

            If a selling agent needs to update the demographic information such as address a new W9 form is required, and send to

             If a selling agent needs to update the contact information, such as mobile phone & email address: Please email the request to                                          

            Essence Healthcare


            Thank you for your interest in marketing Essence through Applied General Agency. To get started complete your contracting request on Essence Healthcare via DocuSign. This is a request to be sent contracting. Once you have completed this DocuSign you will be loaded in Essence’s system and will be sent an email with a portal and login. You will use this to complete contracting.

            Essence requires two parts to certify producers: attend a virtual or in-person training session and complete onboarding via our online producer portal. Please reach out to for available Essence trainings.

            If your DocuSign link was requested previously so please use the below instructions to complete the contract. 

            1. Log into
            2. Use NPN as log in
            3. Click Forgot password
            4. Password Reset email will arrive in the inbox on file
            5. Complete steps to onboard
            6. Reach out to producer support at 1.877.259.8657 if any issues arrive during onboarding

            Transfer / Release Policy

            For an immediate transfer please send a copy of your letter of release to and let us know you need to transfer your Essence contract.

            If you are unable to obtain a letter of release from your current upline, you may begin a delayed six month release. Complete the SHC Advantage Agent Release Form and send a completed copy to your current upline, and

            Once received a six-month clock will start. At the end of the six-month period the agent will be release from their current hierarchy / FMO and can recontract with Essence Healthcare through a new hierarchy / FMO

            Agents will have the ability to produce for Stanford during the delayed release process under thier current hierarchy.

            Demographic Changes

            eternalHealth AZ


            Thank you for your request to contract with eternalHealth. Please begin by logging into Miramar: If you do not have an existing agent profile in Miramar, you will need to create one. Once you log in, you will need to click “Register New” on the top left of your dashboard. You will then enter the appropriate registration Pin highlighted above and click “Start” on the next page to begin the training. If your page is not loading properly, try using a different browser (i.e.: If you are using Google Chrome, try switching to Internet Explorer – or vice versa).


            AGA 2024 PIN Code: 2024eternal3345

            After you select AZ, the system will advise you that there is nothing else to do at this time (while it verifies the documents you uploaded). You will need to go back in the next day (possibly even after a few hours) to upload the attached certificate eternalHealth sends. When you get to the certification section, please remember to select attended in-person training and then attach the Certification eternalHealth attached. Once you have completed all the steps and uploaded your certification you will receive an email notifying you that you are RTS within 24-48 hours.

            Transfer / Release Policy

            To transfer you will need to obtain a letter of release from your previous upline and send a new conract.

            Demographic Changes

            Changes can be made on

            EFT Changes

            Changes can be made on

            Add Non Resident State

            Available in AZ only

            eternalHealth MA


            To get started please request the carrier by completing our Request Form then we will email you the contracting instructions.

            Transfer / Release Policy

            To transfer you will need to obtain a letter of release from your previous upline and send a new conract.

            Excellus – Univera


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Excellus – Univera. To get started complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer Excellus – Univera to our agents. Ritter Insurance Marketing will email you the link to complete your certifications through Miramar. MiramarAgent AgentUser Guide

            Excellus – Univera Contracting Request Direct pay (your or your corporation will be paid)

            Indirect Pay (Not common) Excellus – Univera Contracting Request

            Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link

            Transfer/Release Policy

            To begin your transfer, complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer Excellus – Univera to our agents.

            Excellus – Univera Contracting Request Direct pay (your or your corporation will be paid)

            Indirect Pay (Not common) Excellus – Univera Contracting Request

            Transfer your appointment immediately by uploading a letter of release

             Start 3 month delayed release. To start a delayed release you will need to email, State your name, carrier ID, and you are transferring your appointment to Ritter. Blackout from 10/1-12/31, no transfers or requests processed in that time.

            Demographic Changes

            Update your profile on

            EFT Changes

            Complete EFT Change Form Via Docusign



            Fallon is closed to onboarding effective 04/01/2024

            To get started please request the carrier by completing our Request Form then we will email you the contracting instructions.

            Transfer / Release Policy

            To transfer you will need to obtain a letter of release from your previous upline and send a new conract.

            Florida Blue


            Thank you for your interest in marketing Florida Blue through Applied General Agency. Florida Blue will send you online contracting to complete and we will need some information to get the process started.

            To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive Florida Blue contracting forms from the carrier in a few days.

            FL Blue Onboarding Guide

            Agents will receive one email from, this email will contain one link for the Agent to click and complete an appointment request, contract, W-9, and direct deposit

            Upon successful completion of the appointment (5-10 days), the Agent will receive a Welcome Email from

            • This Welcome Email will contain
            • Florida Blue Medicare AOR #
            • Instructions to register for AgentPoint
            • Instructions to complete and submit AHIP
            • Information on how to complete and submit Florida Blue Medicare Product Training

            Upon completion of the above activities, the Agent will receive a Ready to Sell communication from

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Agents must be in Good Standing with Florida Blue to be eligible for a hierarchy change. No releases or hierarchy changes will be processed or honored between September 1 and December 31. An agent may not change hierarchies more than once in any 12-month period.

            Agents who have been contracted longer than 6 months or who have not changed hierarchies within the previous 6 months may change hierarchies by submitting the Hierarchy Change Form.

            For an immediate transfer the agent and the agent’s current upline will need to complete the Hierarchy Change Form. Send the completed form to

            For a delayed release only the agent portion of the Hierarchy Change Form needs to be completed. Send the completed form to and

            Full release procedures per carrier: FL Blue Release Procedures

            Demographic Changes

            Updates can be made on

            Freedom Health – Optimum Healthcare


            Thank you for your interest in marketing Freedom Health – Optimum Healthcare through Applied General Agency. You can begin your Freedom Health – Optimum Healthcare contracting today!

            • New Agent Registration Link:
            • Agency ID:524
            • Registration ID: AP00038                                                        
            • Top of Hierarchy: Applied General Agency

            Please see Freedom/Optimum Guide for step-by-step submission instructions.

             Enter the 3 digit Agency ID and the alpha numeric Registration Code provided by your agency and then click to select the certifications available to your agency. Select the “Click and Get Company” to bring up the list of contracted lines of business available for your agency. Choose the companies you wish to train and certify for. Check the Captcha box marked “I’m not a robot”, which will allow you to select Continue.

             All Fields with a Red * are required. You must provide a valid email address to receive your temporary password. SSN is required in order to be appointed; hyphens included. A Valid DL in good standing is required to be appointed. You do not need hyphens for the DL number.

             Fill in your address. Check the box next to “VRA text communication”, which is required to continue. Verify that the phone number you have listed for Work Phone is a cellular phone (such as your work cell), as this will be where your confirmation texts are sent to. All phone numbers must include hyphens (not parentheses) and the area code. (i.e. XXX XXX XXXX) Check the acknowledgement box, then click Submit.

             Once you click submit, you will receive a message stating that your profile was created successfully. If you click on the “Back to Login” link you will be directed back to the User Home Page. **An email will be sent to you with a link to set up your password**

             Keep in mind that this email is temporary and will only last for 24 hours. If you do not complete the remaining steps within the time period, you will be locked out of the portal and need to call Agent Services, at 1-877-8770539. 

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Agent must request a release from the current FMO via email and cc and If you have not written business in the past 90 days Freedom will process your transfer in 3-5 business days. There is no blackout period. Example Hello ABC FMO, I would like to request a release to transfer my Freedom/Optimum appointment to Applied General Agency. Thank you, Nick Spark NPN 12345

            If you have written business in the past 90 days then a letter of release from your current FMO is required. If you are unable to obtain a release then you will need to wait 90 days without writing business. 

            Note: If you are contracted with Amerilife then the waiting period is 18 months and does not receive a release.

            Demographic Changes

            Updates can be made on

            Please see Freedom/Optimum Guide

            EFT Changes

            Updates can be made on

            Please see Freedom/Optimum Guide

            Friday Health ACA


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Friday Health ACA . AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Agent Pipeline, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

            After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting.

            Friday Health ACA Onboarding Job Aid

            Transfer / Release Policy

            Agent email Broker Support at and state that you request to transfer your contract to Agent Pipeline. Please make sure you include your NPN. Please Cc and on the email request. 

            If you are under another upline (not direct), you will need to attach a release letter from your current upline to the transfer request email.  

            A new Friday Health contract will need to be completed 

            Friday Health ACA Transfer Process 

            No delayed release process 

            Downline does not need to recontract, but upline must be contracted as an agency 

            No blackout period  

            Demographic Changes

            Changes are made on the Friday Health Portal

            Add Non Resident State

            Email and inform us which states you want to add for each ACA carrier.

            Geisinger Health Plan


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Geisinger Health Plan. To get started complete the request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an invitation to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

            Geisinger Health Plan Contracting

            Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link

            Transfer / Release Policy

            To begin your transfer, complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an invitation to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

            Geisinger Health Plan Contracting

            Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link

            Demographic Changes

            Updates can be made on the carrier portal, or requests can be sent to

            EFT Changes

            Complete EFT Change Form Via DocuSign

            Add Non Resident State

            Updates can be sent to

            Gold Kidney


            Thank you for your interest in contracting to represent Gold Kidney through the AGA. You will be completing contracting through Gold Kidney’s online contracting system EvolveNxt.

             To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a contracting link.

             Gold Kidney will send you a contracting email from EvolveNxt titled, You will then complete the training module with a passing score of 90% or better, upload a current AHIP, a current E&O, a signed Gold Kidney contract, and a current license. After completion allow 5 business days to pass background checks. Then you will receive a Welcome Letter once RTS.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            To initiate the request for a Hierarchy Change submit the following to:,, and

            • Name of Agent
            • National Producer Number (NPN)
            • New Agency
            • State License Number
            • Valid Email Address

             For example, Hello. Please transfer my Gold Kidney appointment to Applied General Agency. Thank you Tony Stark, NPN 123456, AZ license no. 123456,

            Demographic Changes

            Make demographic changes on

            EFT Changes

            Add Non Resident State

            Agents may add states in their dashboard in or contact

            Guarantee Trust Life


            This is a just in time carrier, except in PA, meaning we contract you at the same time you write your first piece of business.

            If you would like to contract, new agents can complete the GTL contract by using the below links. The processing time is approximately 5-7 business days. If an agent is changing a hierarchy, commission level, etc and they already have a code with GTL a paper contract is needed to make the hierarchy change.

            GTL Direct Pay Link GTL Online Contracting for AGA Downline Agents

            (Not Common) GTL AGA Pay Link GTL Online Contracting for AGA Downline LOA Agents

            If you need product information or supplies create a support ticket in your AGA portal. Click on Sales Tools > Tickets and Messages > Add New. Select subject, add your message, then click create.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            If you are currently contracted with GTL and would like to transfer to AGA, please email Please advise when you last submitted business and/or contracted with your previous FMO. If you do not qualify for a self release include a copy of a letter of release from your previous FMO. See below release policy. Once received we will send your paper GTL contract to the carrier.

            Release Contracted with NO Business:

            All agent contracts submitted to GTL that have not written business will be honored for up to six months. After this time period the agent may contract with another agency.

            Contracted with Business:

            If an appointed sub-general agent under an agency or FMO (Field Managing Office) has written new business within the past 6 months and wishes to become contracted with another agency or FMO, GTL will require a letter of release from the current agency or FMO.
            If an appointed sub-general agency and its down line have not written business in the past 6 months, they are free to move hierarchies.
            LOA (License Only Agent): If an appointed LOA has not written business in the past 12 months, they are free to move hierarchies.

            Any transfer will not be honored if the producer has a debit balance with GTL.

            Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare – Stride


            To get started please request the carrier by completing our Request Form then we will email you the contracting instructions.

            Transfer / Release Policy

            To transfer you will need to obtain a letter of release from your previous upline and send a new conract.



            As of 8/1/2023 no new agent contracting will be processed.

            To get started please request the carrier by completing our Docusign

            Once complete your contract will be sent to Hamaspik, and you will be sent an online certification and in person certification to complete.

            HCSC ACA


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with HCSC ACA . AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Plan Advisors, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

            After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting. The email invitation from The subject line is, Onboarding Invitation.

            Transfer / Release Policy

            Agents are responsible for submitting a transfer request by email during one transfer period per year determined by HCSC. Outside of the transfer period agents can terminate their appointment. To terminate agents have to contact the carrier to have their current appointment terminated, once the termination is approved re-contracting will be needed.  There is no waiting period to re-contract once an appointment is termed.

            By terminating to transfer all previous business and renewals are lost.

            If you would like to continue to transfer your appointment to AGA email either the below individual or corporate termination template to and BCBS will confirm your termination, and AGA will send you a BCBS contracting link. Please see BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Individual or BCBS Onboarding Instructions for Corporation

            Individual Termination Template: Please term my, (NAME), individual ACA appointment (PRODUCER ID#) in order for me to recontract as a direct pay under Plan Advisors.

            Corporation Termination Template: Please terminate my current individual ACA appointment (PRODUCER ID#) in order for me to re-contract my agency (NAME) and as an LOA sub-producer under it.

            EFT Changes

            Health New England


            To get started please request the carrier by completing our Request Form then we will email you the contracting instructions.

            Transfer / Release Policy

            To transfer you will need to obtain a letter of release from your previous upline and send a new conract.

            Health First NY


            Thank you for your interest in marketing Health First through Applied General Agency. You can get started contracting with Health First right now. To get contracted you will initiate a contracting link on Health First’s website and then complete the contracting link that is sent to you from

            Create a contracting invite click, select Info for Brokers, select Medicare Advantage Plans, then the green Get Appointed button. On the contracting form enter your first name, last name, and email. Select Medicare for Business Type. Agent for Onboarding type. Applied General Agency for Up-line.

            Note: If your email is already in use you will not be able to create an invite. If you are not currently contracted, your invite can be reset by reaching out to Health First at 855-456-3668 or If you are currently contracted with another upline please follow the below transfer instructions. If you cannot find your email from Heath First you can attempt to log in.

            Once you have sent yourself an invite, you can now complete your contracting forms. The invite from Health First does not come from a Health First email, it comes from; make sure you check your spam and junk mail. Once you start the process, make sure to use Google Chrome; it will not work on Safari (Apple), Explorer, or Edge properly.

            Here is a full walkthrough from Health First on how to submit your contract:

            Links in Email to Medicare Broker Resources:

            Find below a quick guide on how to initiate your onboarding:

            If you have any question and need help with your onboarding and background check, please call broker support at 855.456.3668.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Agents are responsible for submitting a transfer request by email during one of the two transfer periods determined by Heath First NY.

            Requests are reviewed by HF’s Commission Analyst team to determine eligibility for transfer.  If eligible, the agent must complete the transfer agreement (completed via DocuSign) which requires the approval of the agent, current FMO, and new FMO. Failure of the current FMO to respond within 15 days, will result in a transfer without FMO consent. If the transfer is denied by the current FMO, the agent is allowed to resubmit a request during the next transfer period without the current FMO’s consent.

            • Communications
              • Broker emails their requests to change from current FMO to and
                • Example: Hello my name is John Smith NPN 123456 please transfer my Health First appointment from ABC Agency to Applied General Agency.
              • Requests are not accepted from the FMO, they are only accepted directly from the broker, only allowed if the broker is included in the email communication.
              • Only one FMO transfer is allowed per year, brokers must remain with the FMO they transferred to for a minimum of one year.
            • Process
              • Broker emails their requests to change from current FMO to and
                • Example: Hello my name is John Smith NPN 123456 please transfer my Health First appointment from ABC Agency to Applied General Agency.
              • Commission Team validates appointment status and FMO details and the following required steps are executed by the transfer deadline:
                • Transfer forms are sent via DocuSign- Most information is pre-populated for brokers. (Dates are updated to reflect the current transfer period).
                • Broker signature required
                • Current FMO signature required
                • New FMO signature required
              • Current FMO release
                • FMO must approve or decline the transfer within 15 days
                • Failure to respond will result in an automatic transfer
              • New FMO
                • FMO must approve or decline the transfer
                • If denied, transfer is voided
              • FMO/Broker notices
                • All parties involved will receive notification once the transfer is processed.
                • Sales team, oversight, and commissions are BCC in the email
              • Previous transfer denials
                • If current FMO denied transfer for broker during the previous transfer period, broker may resubmit the transfer request.
                  • Approval from current FMO not required for this request (based on previous conversations current FMO can only decline a release once)
                  • New FMO signature required.


            Health First FL


            Thank you for your interest in marketing Health First through Applied General Agency. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to . You will find the 5.6 in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

            After your 5.6 is submitted we will be sending you instructions to contract with Health First FL

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Health First FL Release Policy

            Requests for change in FMO affiliation are accepted between August 1 to October 15 of each calendar year. Realignment request has to be submitted via email stating you’d like to realign under AGA’s Integrity Partner, Plan Advisors NPN 17235707, along with a release letter from the current FMO. Send the release letter to (for Medicare), (for Individual) and cc and

                            Example, Hello, My name is John Smith, NPN 123456, please align my Medicare and Individual Family lines of business with Plan Advisors NPN 17235707, through AGA.

            In addition to obtaining a release letter, for the Medicare Advantage line of business, the FMO selection for the upcoming (new) year is completed as part of the annual Medicare Advantage Certification.  Like with the Individual Family Plan line of business, there is not the opportunity to change your FMO mid-year.

            It should also be noted that, for the Individual Family Plan line of business, the requests for change accepted between August 1 and October 15 go into effect on January 1 of the following year.  There is not normally the opportunity to change your FMO selection mid-year.

            Demographic Changes

            EFT Changes

            Assignment of Commission

            Changes can be made on

            To assign commissions to AGA put AGA’s TIN and W-9 under payment requirements. Please reach out to for this information.

            Health First FL ACA


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Health First FL ACA . AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Plan Advisors, for us to offer this carrier to our agents. To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

            After a few days, you will be sent a contracting link to complete your ACA contracting.

            Transfer / Release Policy

            Requests for change in FMO affiliation are accepted between August 1 to October 15 of each calendar year. Realignment request has to be submitted via email stating you’d like to realign under Plan Advisors NPN 17235707, along with a release letter from the current FMO. Send the release letter to  (for Individual) and cc and on the email request.

            In addition to obtaining a release letter for the Medicare Advantage line of business, the FMO selection for the upcoming (new) year is completed as part of the annual Medicare Advantage Certification.  Like with the Individual Family Plan line of business, there is not the opportunity to change your FMO mid-year.

            It should also be noted that, for the Individual Family Plan line of business, the requests for change accepted between August 1 and October 15 go into effect on January 1 of the following year.  There is not normally the opportunity to change your FMO selection mid-year.

            Add Non Resident State

            FL only



            Thank you for your interest in contracting with HealthPartners. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, IFC, for us to offer HealthPartners to our agents. To get started complete the HealthPartners IFC Contracting Request Form. Once this request form is completed you will be sent a DocuSign from IFC to collect your information and to move forward with your carrier specific contracting.

            Please note this carrier’s processing time normally takes 3-6 weeks

            Transfer / Release Policy

            Thank you for your interest in contracting with HealthPartners. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, IFC, for us to offer HealthPartners to our agents. To get started complete the HealthPartners IFC Contracting Request Form, and upload the HealthPartners Transfer Form that is signed by your current upline. The HP Transfer form will need to be signed by your current upline and IFC. Transfer blackout period is from 9/1 to 12/1 each year. Once the request form is completed with a HP Transfer Form you will be sent a DocuSign from IFC to collect your information and to move forward with your carrier specific contracting.

            Demographic Changes

            Changes can be made by contacting

            EFT Changes

            Changes can be made by contacting

            Add Non Resident State

            Changes can be made by contacting

            Heartland (Hospital Indemnity Plan)


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Heartland National Life through AGA. Heartland is a just in time carrier except when business is needed in AL, GA, OH, LA, MT, PA, and WY. If you have potential business in these states or would like to be pre-appointed, please email and indicate you would like AGA to send you the Heartland contracting link.

            When an agent is being contracted with Heartland National Life, they are required to pay appointment fees. Fees will be charged upon the first piece of business for just in time states.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            To transfer your appointment to AGA please complete the Heartland Transfer Form. Send the completed form to and

            Demographic Changes

            Email or call Agency Services: 833.964.4555 or

            EFT Changes

            Email or call Agency Services: 833.964.4555 or

            Add Non Resident State

            Email or call Agency Services: 833.964.4555 or

            When an agent is being contracted with Heartland National Life, they are required to pay appointment fees. The only states that are required to be paid as pre-appointment fees and must be paid upon being contracted are:      AL, GA, OH, LA, MT, PA, and WY. All other states are considered just in time states meaning those states will only be appointed to the agent once the agent has written business in that state and after they have been contracted unless we are instructed otherwise.



            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Highmark. To get started complete the Highmark Contracting link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer Highmark to our agents. Once your paperwork has been received and processed by Ritter, Highmark will email you a contracting link to complete the contracting process electronically. The contracting link will be sent from See Highmark Portal User Guide – FOR AGENTS. You will be required to review and complete any missing demographic information, upload your E&O, and complete your training. Once training is complete, your appointment will be processed. You will then receive a notification that your appointment is complete; the email will contain your login to the Highmark producer portal.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Highmark BoB and Hierarchy change policy

            To begin your immediate transfer you and your current upline will need to complete the Highmark – Hierarchy Change Form and send the completed copy to and

            To begin your delayed transfer, complete the Request link via DocuSign. Highmark Contracting Request Direct pay (your or your corporation will be paid)

            Demographic Changes

            Updates can be made on 

            EFT Changes

            Complete EFT Change Form Via Docusign

            Add Non-Resident State

            Email with the requested additions.

            Horizon / Braven


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Horizon / Braven. To get started please complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer Horizon / Braven to our agents. Be prepared to upload a copy of your E&O, void check, and if necessary a letter of release. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive a Miramar invitation to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting. Miramar Guide

            Horizon / Braven Contracting Request Direct pay

            Indirect Pay (Not common) Horizon / Braven Contracting Request

            Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link

            Transfer/Release Policy

            To begin your transfer complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer Horizon / Braven to our agents. Be prepared to upload a copy of your E&O, void check, and a letter of release. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive a Miramar invitation to finalize the transfer. Miramar Guide

            Horizon / Braven Contracting Request

            Demographic Changes

            Update your profile on

            EFT Changes

            Complete EFT Change Form Via Docusign

            Add Non-Resident State

            Email with the requested additions.

            Assignment of Commissions

            LOA contracting is available



             Thank you for your interest in marketing Humana through Applied General Agency. Humana uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

            To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

            Please note that if you are contracting for yourself and your agency, there will be separate links for your application and your agency’s application. However, you must complete both applications before they can be processed. You will have 30 days for a full contract and 10 days for an amendment to complete the invitation before it expires and it is no longer accessible. You will receive a reminder prior to the invitation expiring.

            The contracting process should take approximately 20-30 minutes. The attached Job Aid link may be helpful to you in navigating the online onboarding process.

            Humana Onboarding Job Aid

            One of the key items that often trips agents up is forgetting to electronically sign the forms. You will be prompted to scroll to the bottom of each required form to “click and sign”. When complete, make sure you double check the “sign” icons, confirming acceptance of each document. They are along the left side of the “Forms” confirmation page. You will also receive an email confirmation upon successful submission of the contract.

            Once you submit to Humana, allow 5-7 business days for processing. At that point you’ll be issued a 7 digit SAN (producer number) which can be used to register for Humana’s agent portal and begin your certification training for PDP and/or MAPD. Certification instructions are in your AGA back office portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools then Certifications.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Immediate Release Policy

            To receive an immediate release, external agents must secure a release letter from their current upline. It is at their discretion whether or not to release an agent prior to 90 days (see Delayed Release Policy below). The current upline is required to formally communicate the release of the agent in writing using company letterhead, signed by the principal, with a current or future effective date of the release. Complete a  Humana Agent to MGA Form via DocuSign and attach a letter of release. A copy will be sent to & Please see the timeline for processing times.


            Delayed Release Policy

            In instances where an immediate release is not granted, the agent may request a delayed release. Complete the Humana Agent to MGA Form via DocuSign and a copy will be sent to & Please see the timeline for processing times.


            Humana: Agent Release Timeline

            Demographic Changes

            Log into Click on your name or agency name in the top right, select Profile. Then Edit Profile Information.

            EFT Changes

            Log into Click on Update Direct Deposit under the Commissions section.

            Add Non-Resident State

            View your current non resident appointment on Navigate to Licensing & Contracts.

            Active agents can add a license by sending an email to Ask for the state to be loaded on your Humana appointment. Include your SAN number and copy of the license is not needed.

            The resident license and all non-resident licenses are pulled from NIPR during the initial contracting and all are loaded upon activation.

            Assignment of Commissions

            Complete the Humana Assignment of Commission form via DocuSign. The completed form will be sent to and

            Imperial Health Plan


            Thank you for your interest in certifying with Imperial. To conduct enrollment with Medicare beneficiaries into any of the Imperial plans, agents must be certified in each state.

            To obtain online certification email and . Include your Name, NPN, state, Upline as AGA and email address.

            Example: Hi Imperial and AGA, Please contract me with Imperial in CA under AGA. My name is Gerry Joe, NPN 123554, Thank you.

            Imperial will then send you an agent online contracting and certification link.

            Any general questions can be addressed by calling Imperial’s Agent Support line 800-838-5197.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Policy: A letter of release is required to transfer an agent if they have written business in the past six months. If no business has been submitted in the past six months then the agent is able to transfer to a new upline.

            Start your transfer today by emailing Tell us you are currently contracted with another upline, would like to move to AGA, and when you last submitted Imperial business. If you are not sure when your last piece of business was submitted please reach out to Imperial’s Agent Support line 800-838-5197.

            Example Email: AGA Contracting, I am currently contracted with Imperial through Jones Agency, but I would like to transfer to AGA. I last wrote business in November of last year. Thank you, Sally Ann

            When received we will send Imperial your email and complete a form to transfer you to AGA. The entire transfer process can take from one to three weeks.

            Add Non Resident State

            To conduct enrollment with Medicare beneficiaries into any of the Imperial plans, agents must be certified in each state. 

            To obtain online certification email and . Include your Name, state, NPN, Upline AGA and email address.

            Example: Hi Imperial and AGA, Please contract me with Imperial in CA under AGA. My name is Gerry Joe, NPN 123554, Thank you.

            Steve will then send you an agent online contracting and certification link.

            Indiana University Health Plans


            Thank you for your interest in marketing Indiana University Health Plans through Applied General Agency. Please complete IUHP contracting via DocuSign.

            Indiana University Health Plan Contracting


            Transfer / Release Policy

            To begin your transfer please complete IUHP contracting via DocuSign.

            Indiana University Health Plan Contracting

            For an immediate release, attach a letter of release from your current upline.

            For a delayed release the contract will start a delayed 6-month release, and move you after those 6 months.

            Current IU Health Plans contracted agents with no business on the books will not be subject to the 6‐month release policy if they have been appointed more than 6 months and have never sold a policy or if they do not have any renewal commissions being paid. Current contracted IU Health Plans agents who have not sold a policy in the past24 months will not be subject to the 6‐month release policy.

            EFT Changes

            Complete the IU EFT and send it with a void check to submit to Brandi Mccarthy ( 



            You can immediately begin IMG contracting by using the following contracting link:

            Innovative Integrated Health Community Plans


            Thank you for your interest in marketing IIHCP through Applied General Agency. To get appointed you will first need to certify for IIHCP certification by using IIHCP certification instructions in your AGA back office portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools then Certifications.

            On the certification training indicate that your upline is Applied General Agency. Sales Agents must pass this test with a score of at least 85% in order to be appointed or re-appointed with Integrated HealthPlan. There are 20 questions and the test is not timed. You may attempt the test up to 5 times in order to achieve the passing score. If you do not pass after 5 attempts, please contact your broker manager.

            Then once you have completed your exam, IIHCP Broker Support will be forwarding you DocuSign to complete your contract.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Agents may change sales hierarchies once during a twelve month cycle with written notice to IIHCP

             Transfers are processed once during a 12-month cycle and only January-September. No hierarchy change is permitted October-December. The last day to submit a hierarchy change is September 15th for an October 1 effective date. All hierarchy requests must be submitted by the 15th of the month for a 1st of the following month effective date. If received after the 15th of the month the request will be processed 2 months out. Example: written request received Jan 1st-15th, the transfer is effective Feb 1st. If written request is received by Jan16th-Feb15th the transfer will become effective March 1st.

             IIHCP will send written notification to the current and new agency notifying them of the transfer request.

            Demographic Changes

            Email changes to



            Intervalley closed as of Jan. 1st 2023 and they currently have no members. They are no longer listed in in 2023.

            You can immediately begin Intervalley certification by using Intervalley certification instructions in your AGA back office portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools then Certifications.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            Intervalley currently requires a letter of release to transfer uplines. Please send a copy of your letter of release to and let us know you need to transfer your Intervalley contracting.

            Intervalley: 909-623-6333

            Jefferson Health Plans


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Jefferson Health. To get started please complete the request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer Jefferson Health to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an invitation to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

             Jefferson Health Plans Contracting Request Direct pay

             Indirect Pay (Not common) Not available

             Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link

            Transfer/Release Policy

            To begin your transfer complete the Request link via DocuSign. AGA is partnered with our Integrity Partner, Ritter, for us to offer Jefferson Health to our agents. After the DocuSign submission, you will receive an invitation to begin contracting in a few days. Click on the link to begin contracting.

             Jefferson Health Plans Contracting Request Direct pay

             Indirect Pay (Not common) Not available

             Important: Enter your full name as it appears on your license after clicking the contracting link

            Demographic Changes

            Updates can be made on the carrier portal, or requests can be sent to

            EFT Changes

            Complete EFT Change Form Via Docusign

            Add Non Resident State

            To add a state, please complete Jefferson Health Plans Contracting Request via DocuSign

            Kaiser Permanente


            Thank you for your interest in contracting with Kaiser Permanente. Complete the below DocuSign in according to the state you are going to contract in. You will need to upload your Kaiser certification onto the DocuSign.

            Kaiser Contracting CO, OR, WA

            Kaiser Contracting GA, VA, MD, and DC

            Certifications can be completed on, Kaiser Registration Code is found in your DocuSign contracting. Once submitted the carrier will send out the state specific “in-person” virtual training to the email address provided.

            Transfer/Release Policy

            FMO to AGA/Integrity: 

            The agent(s) will need to be terminated from their current FMO’s hierarchy and is responsible for working with their current FMO to ensure the termination is completed. There is no delayed release process for Kaiser. Kaiser does not get involved in transfers/hierarchy changes. From the carrier’s perspective, all business belongs to the contracted FMO. Any business written by the agents does not follow the agents and will remain with the previous FMO. 

             *All FMO’s use the same spreadsheet onboarding process that Integrity uses as this is Kaiser’s appointment process/management system for agents. 

             Once the agent(s) receives verification from their previous FMO, the agent(s) will need to communicate with  that the termination has been completed so that AGA can submit the agent’s information back to Kaiser to realign the appointment. 

             Integrity Partner to Integrity Partner: 

            Agent(s) will need to wait 6 months in their current Integrity Partner’s hierarchy or obtain a signed release from their current Partner on their company letterhead. 

             If a release is obtained, the release will need to be submitted to the Integrity Contracting team for processing. Release will be added to the agent’s profile and the hierarchy will be updated internally. Nothing will be submitted to the carrier as all Integrity hierarchy is tracked internally only. 

             Direct to AGA/Integrity

            If you are contracted directly with Kaiser you will need to reach out to Kaiser to request a termination/release to realign under Integrity/AGA. Once that has been completed please notify, and we will begin your onboarding.

            Demographic Changes

            Please email changes to

            EFT Changes

            To update your commissions for CO, OR or WA complete the EFT Form via DocuSign

            To update your commissions for GA, MD, WV and DC complete the Kaiser Contracting GA, VA, MD, WV, and DC via DocuSign

            Add Non Resident State

            To add a state complete the corresponding Kaiser DocuSign.

            Kaiser Contracting CO, OR, WA

            Kaiser Contracting GA, VA, MD, WV, and DC



            Thank you for your interest in marketing KelseyCare through Applied General Agency. KelseyCare uses an online contracting system and we will need some information to get the process started.

            To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”. After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive a email from to begin your contracting and certifications.

             If you cannot find your KelseyCare email, navigate to the KelseyCare website and reset your password.

            Please see KelseyCare Agent Onboarding Guide

            Transfer/Release Policy

            See KelseyCare Release and Hierarchy Change Rules


            1. Agent/Agency movement between and among FMO’s is allowed as follows:
              1. During the first 6 months of being contracted with KCA or within 6 months of hierarchy change, an Agent or Agency must secure a written release from their current Top of Hierarchy FMO to be eligible for a release and hierarchy change.
                1. The written release must be on the current Top of Hierarchy’s Agency letterhead or be an official email from the principal of the Top of Hierarchy’s Agency bearing:
                  1. The date and signature of the principal or his/her designee
                  2. Agents’/principal’s name as it appears on the KCA agreement
            2. The Agent/Agency must submit the release letter/email along with the KCA FMO Hierarchy Change Form.
              1. The hierarchy change will be effective on the date on which the change is
              2. Hierarchy changes are submitted to by the Top of Hierarchy FMO only. Requests received from Agent/Agency will be returned
              3. The Agent/Agency will be notified at the email address we have on file when the change has been made. The releasing FMO will see the Agent/Agency removed from their KelseyPortal and the new FMO will see the Agent/s populate in their KelseyPortal.
              4. FMOs releasing an Agent/Agency will continue to be paid Admin Fees on business written while the Agent was under their hierarchy. Enrollments processed after the transfer is made will be credited to the new The Agent/Agency retains their book of business after the transfer is complete.
              5. Hierarchy changes involving an entire Agency require that the Agency maintain the same administrative fee level under the new hierarchy as they had under the releasing Agency for minimum of 6 months.
            3. Agents/agencies who have been contracted longer than 6 months or who have not changed hierarchies within the previous 6 months may change hierarchies if, they have been granted a release by existing FMO and submitted proof that Agency/Agent was granted release. If FMO denies release, Agency/Agent will require a 30-day waiting period for Once complete, the Hierarchy Change Form must be submitted for approval and processing at
            4. An Agent/Agency may not change hierarchies more than once in any 12-month
            5. No releases or hierarchy changes will be processed or honored between September 1 and December 31 (blackout dates). Any received during this time will not be held for
            6. The Agent/Agency must be in Good Standing with KCA to be eligible for a hierarchy change.

              Demographic Changes

              EFT Changes

              Upon agent’s first enrollment, they need to contact to request a link to register for direct deposit with KelseyCare’s vendor “Paycor”. KelseyCare will also reach out to the agent if they are not registered and are owed commissions.

              AOC Changes

              Agent commission is paid directly by the carrier to either yourself or a corporation you own. If you would like to assign your commission to a corpoation you do not own you will need to contract as an LOA under AGA. Please contact to be set up as an LOA with KelseyCare. KelseyCare will pay AGA, and AGA will distribute your commission.

              LA Care


              Thank you for your interest in marketing LA Care through Applied General Agency. LA Care uses an online contracting system, and will require you to complete your own contracting. To get started please create an agent portal and request contracting.

              See LA Care portal and onboarding training guide. Please have your license, E&O and AHIP ready to upload. You must reside in CA to offer LA Care.

              LA Care Broker Link

              Apply Now, select LA Care Medicare Plus, Select AGA, complete the basic information and submit. Once completed AGA will review your submission, then you will receive your training link

              User Notes LA Care


              Transfer/Release Policy

              Per LA Care, agents are only allowed to transfer once a year between January and August. If you submit a request to transfer any time after September 1st, the request will be declined. You will need to resubmit the request in January.

              LA Care request transfer by logging into Sales Force, submit a request and upload your release. LA Care transfer process


              Agent submits transfer request with L.A. Care Health Plan to existing General Agency (Transfer should be processed by General Agency within 48 hours. If transfer request is not processed within 48 hours, L.A. Care Admin will follow-up with General Agency. L.A. Care Admin may escalate transfer requests if General Agency does not respond)
              L.A. Care admin will approve transfer requests within 10 business days.
              When transfer is complete, L.A. Care will notify agent via email.

              Commission (with book of business transfer)
              If transfer is approved by L.A. Care before the 5th of the month (Commission change will reflect change on the following month.)
              If transfer is approved by L.A. Care after the 5th of the month (Commission change will reflect change 2 months from the transfer complete date.)

              *Please note that transfers are not permissible between September-December, on a yearly basis.

                Liberty Medicare Advantage


                Thank you for your interest in contracting to represent Liberty Medicare Advantage plans through AGA. You will be completing contracting through Liberty’s online contracting system Liberty Broker Portal.

                 To get started log into your AGA portal and obtain a 5.6 Carrier Request Form and send it to You will find this form in your AGA portal under Sales Tools, My Sales Tools, Forms Library, then “5.6 Contracting Forms”.

                 After you return the 5.6 Add Carrier Request you will receive an invitation with a link from and “Evolve Agent Contracting Registration” as the subject line. The email will include the contracting link, username, and password. Click on the link to begin contracting. The contracting link will always be, and your username is your email.

                Transfer/Release Policy

                Coming soon

                  Demographic Changes

                  Updates can be made on Your email is your username.

                    EFT Changes

                    Updates can be made on Your email is your username.

                      Add Non Resident State

                      In SC only

                        Liberty Bankers


                        Thank you for your interest in contracting with Liberty Bankers through AGA. Please have your void check ready to upload. When completed your contracting will be sent to Liberty Bankers by AGA, and then you set instructions to complete your certifications. Please contact with questions.

                         To get started complete the DocuSign Liberty Bankers Contract.

                        Transfer/Release Policy

                        Thank you for your interest in contracting with Liberty Bankers through AGA. To complete your transfer please complete a new contract. Please have your void check ready to upload. When completed your contracting will be sent to Liberty Bankers by AGA, and then you set instructions to complete your certifications. Please contact with questions.

                         To get started complete the DocuSign Liberty Bankers Contract.

                          Demographic Changes

                          Updates can be made by contacting

                            EFT Changes

                            Updates can be made by contacting

                              Add Non Resident State

                              All NON RES states for an agent are added as an agent writes so all the appointment fees don’t hit his account at one time. Liberty Bankers only pays for resident appointments. However, Liberty Bankers will need an email from you if an agent is about to write in his NON RES state of PA or NM. Email to add PA or NM. These are PRE APPT states and the agent cannot write an application until he’s appointed. If he writes an app and then sends an email, he will have to rewrite the app.

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