Blog - Applied General Agency, LLC


News, Advice and Other Things

How to Advise Medicare-eligible Employees working past 65

How to Advise Medicare-eligible Employees working past 65

For many seasoned insurance agents, selling Medicare has been straightforward. Target individuals turning 65 and offer a helping hand. But what happens when those individuals increasingly choose to delay retirement and continue working? Being eligible for Medicare while still working is becoming increasingly common. Help navigate your client through the ins and outs of Medicare with this guide.

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5 Tips to Gain Success in your First Year as an Independent Insurance Agent

5 Tips to Gain Success in your First Year as an Independent Insurance Agent

A career as an independent insurance agent can be extremely rewarding. Like many work-from-home or self-employed professions, independent agent success takes dedication, consistency, focus, and determination. The freedom of being your own boss is exciting, but it comes with responsibilities. Follow these five tips to manage those responsibilities and start your career off strong as an Independent Insurance Agent.

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